13. 14. 15. 21. 27.

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tuesday, 27 november

quoted: "sometimes i think i'd like to be a sex worker" -thanksgiving dinner

thanksgiving was an amazing success. i'm just saying. i have lots and lots to say about the last weekend. things that surprised me. things that aggravated me. things that made me smile. but i'm at work and i'm sick and i want to go home, take some nyquil, and sleep until the morning, so i must be brief.

wednesday, 21 november

quoted: "you've gone trash palace crazy" -nick, to me

you know that theory in physics where, at any given point in time, you can determine either the position of a particle or its velocity, but not both? that's how i've felt since last wednesday. sigh. but i've met some cool new folks at work.

robert comes tonight. tomorrow is thanksgiving. hurrah hurrah.

on saturday tarun and aliza had me and tope and clara around to dinner at their in oxford. it was an embarrassingly good dinner party. the food was amazing. amazing. sunday, in our lazy version of entertaining, andrew and i had poppy, ali, toby and graham over for champagne. which requires very little preparation or clean up. then A and i went to david and andrew's for a dinner, along with brian and warren and flynn and a stranger/scotsman called chris. and that was, again, wonderful. so we're having some of them back around next monday.

i'm not checking my work email over thanksgiving. at all. i've told andrew to physically restrain me if i try.

thursday 15 november

quoted: "right now people are eating the jelly. all the jelly" -tab's argument for high-tailing it to trash palace

going to dinner at nick's tonight (hurrah!) and maybe to an art thing first. only one other thing today... you really, really need to go watch the new robyn video handle me on youtube. how great is swedish pop music? i KNOW!

wednesday 14 november

quoted: "i'm tired of being single, but i don't want someone i'd be embarrassed of in the morning." -keats

on monday the sun ran an article about the average briton, who earns £23k per year, has sex less than 8 times per month, drives a ford fiesta, gets fewer than 30 minutes of exercise weekly and has a 37 inch waist. thought you'd want to know.

would it be classist of me to say "let them eat vegetables"? just checking.

it's cold in london lately. so cold that i've started showering at the gym again so that i don't have to walk home soaked in sweat. it's a bit of a hassle, but oh well.

tuesday 13 november

quoted: "seriously, speaking of anime..." -brennan

right. took a month off by accident. where does the time go? i'll tell you where. i spent a week in italy with my parents. and it was GREAT. then andrew and i graduated from oxford and ate lots of nice food in the UK, also with my parents. and that was great too. and then i spent 4 days in zurich. and then i started trying to dig myself out from under thousands of emails, only to find myself further snowed under by taking over responsibility for mobile PR in europe just before we launched a major initiative. so now i'm setting my sites on thanksgiving and hoping for a successful dinner & rest.

sometimes i wonder about the history of the percent sign. or any number of other strange marks that i use with regularity. i'm sure the internet knows. i'm not sure i actually want to know. much nicer to wonder.

andrew and i went to dinner at st alban's restaurant to celebrate my promotion. the food was lovely. i had a quail, pancetta and dandelion salad, followed by roast black forest ham. andrew had roast vegetables followed by a veal t-bone and a poached apple with gingerbread. the service, as always, was great. and it wasn't as expensive as i remember it being. the only problem: our neighbours: on one side we had an awful banker talking about his bonus. on the other we had a man who literally made the waiter let him taste every single white wine they sold by the glass before deciding he'd rather have a glass of red. his dinner companion sent back her roast vegetables because they'd used olive oil to cook them (shocker!) and then refused to eat anything else. i just wanted to set them on fire.

ok. enough from me. you totally won't believe me if i say i'll update soon. but i will try.

email [a.ho]
housea ... gmail.com

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