daily |
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today jan 2005 dec 2004 nov 2004 oct 2004 sep 2004 aug 2004 jul 2004 jun 2004 may 2004 apr 2004 mar 2004 feb 2004 jan 2004 dec 2003 nov 2003 oct 2003 sep 2003 jul 2002 jun 2002 may 2002 apr 2002 mar 2002 feb 2002 jan 2002 dec 2001 nov 2001 oct 2001 sep 2001 aug 2001 jul 2001 jun 2001 may 2001 apr 2001 mar 2001 feb 2001 jan 2001 dec 2000 nov 2000 oct 2000 sep 2000 aug 2000 |
overheard: 'i don't care how pretty she is, you get your degree' -santa ok. updates are gonna be brief while jack is in town. there's quite enough to keep me busy without trying to remember what it is i'm doing. hopefully allison will be feeling well enough to celebrate the new year. otherwise, i think we'll end up at rob's restaurant party. which wouldn't be so bad, except that i'm totally missing my driver's license. any ideas where to look for it? whoops.
overheard: 'i think i'm getting sensitive to splenda' -mom tons to do today. jack arrives at 7 tonight. hurrah. but between now and then, i've gotta go to lunch with gramma, clean my room, clean the house, and generally stress about his advent. yesterday i had lunch with rob at brooklyn deli: YUM. and i got a tour of his new hotel, which is scheduled to open on 8 january. ambitious.
overheard: 'apparently it's not called babysitting if it's your own child' -dr phil yesterday i finished the 3rd of 5 reels of christmas microfilm. and i ran into my
latin teacher from school. pleasant enough. i always get a little embarrassed talking about my work,
though. i tried (and failed) to make a post-christmas exchange: the stitching on a shirt my parents
got me from the gap is all screwed up. but they didn't have any more of that shirt in my size at
either of the two stores i went to yesterday. rather disappointing. i'm sure other stuff happened
yesterday. OH. i saw a woman in hijaab at the grocery store yesterday. that doesn't happend often
in spokie. hurrah for pluralism.
overheard: 'oh! becky! your first time!' -aunt marguerite
christmas hangover yesterday. not an actual hangover. i promise. but it was the best
christmas ever, i think. so much generosity. so many gifts i didn't think to ask for, but that other
people thought of for me. those are the best types, i think. no snow here in spokie, but that can
be overlooked. last night, it frosted so hard that it almost looks like snow. two more sleeps.
best present ever: a rosary from the pope. oh. speaking of which: today is the 24th anniversary of my
MERRY CHRISTMAS! so here we are. christmas day. one of my favorites. i'm not quite done buying/creating gifts yet, but
i'm not going to fret. there are 12 days of christmas, after all. yesterday we went downtown and had our
photo taken with santa. then my parents had their annual christmas eve lunch away from the kids, and the
rest of us went to nordstrom cafe and had yummy sandwiches. we ran into suspiciously few people in the
process, though.
overheard: 'oh, here's your fleece, it's on this chair. wait that is a piece of paper' -mom
wow. last night. i've always loved the 23rd. i generally, though, find the post-party
bar-going a bit underwhelming. last night, however, we went to the PI. oh yes, that dive bar
across from the hospital and 3 blocks from my house. little did i know that it was also a
gonzaga prep reunion. there were people there i hadn't seen since, oh, 1996.
overheard: 'i'm gettng a blow job right now' -some girl well well well, yesterday was busy. i think. amanda and i had a solid three hour work
stint at the GU library, which we followed up with picking up becky at the airport (our cousin tommy was
on her flight) and going out to lunch at azteca with my mom and bo. very nice. then we watched
a bit of chasing liberty (not that great) and entertained a visit from steve and cindy.
then all of us but dad went to the GU-ewu basketball game. gonzaga won (hurrah), and almost every
single spokane person was there: if i were a thief, i would have done me some thievin' during the
overheard: 'saved is even better than mean girls' -joe
how does joe know that? did i forget to update yesterday? i guess so. i did get
a lot of work done, though. and i had really good fajitas at my godparents' house. i actually have
to run and eat breakfast now so i can get to the library at a reasonable time. more tomorrow, i hope.
overheard: 'oh! he has that vomit high!' -woman at christmas party last night
yesterday mainly involved baking 60 loaves of christmas break for family and friends,
interspersed with about a million errands. the best news of the day was definitely receiving a letter
from the IRS telling me that i don't actually owe them $800, which is a relief for so very
many reasons. remind me to buy a christmas present for my dad's accountant for sorting it all out
while i was trapped in far away UK, being taxed to breathe. but also being provided with medical care
if i had trouble breathing.
overheard: 'it was a catatonic schizophrenic midget' -amanda
sorry about no update yesterday. we picked up manda at the airport and went out
for a chewable snack (of course), so we didn't get home until after midnight. i woke up at 8,
talked to jack, and was then told by my mother and godmother that i should be at the library. which
was news to me. but i went to the library and had a very productive 240 folio day. in 3 hours, that's
really not half bad.
overheard: 'have you found a nice english girl yet?' -substitute helper-bee at my dad's office
happy birthday, paul! and safe travels to my younger sister amanda. she's
flying in from dc today. and the family gets to meet her at the airport, instead
of a boy. i know. pretty exciting. also, pray for my uncle steve today as he's being
cardioverted. and then relaxing on our sofas and watching trashy reality tv. anyone heard
about this awful "who's your daddy?" show? it sounds pretty horrific.
overheard: 'either this wallpaper goes, or i do' -oscar wilde's last words
woke up kinda grumpy this morning. we'll see if i can't shake it. i'm having
my teeth cleaned today, which means i'm missing a costco run. later, i'm having lunch with
my grandmother and taking her to her pedicure. christmas pedicure. i'm hungry.
overheard: 'i think i will have that other spring roll' -gramma
yum. thai feast for lunch yesterday with my grandma and dad. so much food. going to
lunch with her again tomorrow. so many lunches. so few crunches. speaking of which, i sadly learned
that my 24th birthday not only ended my insurance cover under my parents, but also ended my athletic
club membership under their account. on the plus side, i did get some cool new shoes for my birthday.
overheard: 'that would kill your cheeks' -mom
it's my aunt's birthday. and st
lucia's feast day. that seems dangerous. but at least there are pancakes involved.
speaking of pancakes, i'm officially festively plump. not a problem for now, though i do
think i'd prefer to, you know, be fit and charming by the 29th. the flight back from denver yesterday
was uneventful. well, mine was. left denver at 9.30. arrived in spo at 10.45. my parents, meanwhile, were
supposed to leave denver at 11.30. i don't know when they did get out of there, but they didn't
get home until 6 pm. which is way too late.
overheard: 'so many extension cords' -mom
ok. i'm very hungry, so i have to make this brief. great birthday. no gifts yet. ridiculously
warm. denver seems to be a large version of spokane: i thought bigger cities were supposed to get denser.
it also seems to be a city completely devoid of any sense of style. i blame its great distance from
natural forms of water. there aren't even any real stores downtown. oh my. but becky's friends are
lovely, so that helps.
international human rights day ok. lots from yesterday. first off, the washington state supreme court decided that
a woman broke state anti-snooping laws by listening in on her fourteen-year-old daughter's phone
conversation. apparently state law protects all private communication from interception. who knew?
also in the state supreme court: on the 8th of march, justices will hear oral arguments over the
constitutional status of a law prohibiting marriage between members of the same sex. no doubt,
a constitutional ammendment banning such marriages will also come before the state legislature
next year. let us hope they prove more reasonable than every other state legislature in the US.
overheard: 'london is a bit more acceptable this time of year, provided it's not raining' -insufferable
prig on the x90
it's a beautiful clear winter morning. perfect for flying. i'm listening to becky's "one thing"
song. getting ready to head out to see her. i'll miss
my friends here, but i'll be back in five weeks. yesterday's birthday festivities were amazing. thanks, jack!
now i'm leaving on a jet plane. yay!
feast of the immaculate conception it's a holy day of obligation, too. so get your butts to mass. it's also [a.ho]'s
birthday (celebrated), which means that i get enough dim sum to make me sick. though yesteday,
with its christmas shopping, microfilm-collecting, cooking, lgb wine, and dinner with mike and brian, was the best birthday
present i could get. and today should be just as nice. it's very warm, anyway. and misty. and it's
9 already, but i'm not prepared to go to the bod just yet. i LOVE christmas time.
pearl harbor day 63 years on. weird. i remember the 50th anniversary. sorry about the lack of updates.
i was in london feasting on a christmas lunch made by jack's mom and then working my tail off at
the guildhall. thursday i leave for denver. so probably no updates between thursday and next monday, when
i finally roll into spokane. where has term gone? today, i have lots of shopping to do. gifts will be
bought for people like my siblings. and my scout. and jack's parents. and allison. so wish me luck.
and not to break the bank. i'm hungry. let's get a taco.
happy birthday, (gtown) lauren! no time to chat today. work to do.
overheard: 'you can't equate a baby with a cigarette' -chch lauren
between two of my favorite women's birthdays, i'm glad it's friday of 8th week. even
if i don't have anything particularly amazing to show for michaelmas term. more writing today. in
pajamas. it's really the only way to do it. dinner at brown's last night with fr lee. very good. nice to
hear what all the oregon province SJs are
up to. and gossip about catholic things. english catholics aren't as much fun as american ones.
i've decided i miss katie. and julie. and christmas in spo.
happy birthday, maria! ok. running late today, so only thing i have to say is that maria is 24. and old.
which means i'll be 24 and old next week. gotta get to the library. bye for now.
world AIDS day has it already been a month since the election? goodness. i'm feeling a bit better today,
but i think i'm going to stay in my PJs and type type type all day. i head back home a week tomorrow.
hurrah. well, technically to denver, but then i get a birthday. and that will be great fun. in
the meantime, i have more work to do than i can shake a stick at. i ran into gretchen |
links: email [a.ho] brian - gtown drew - gtown brandon - gtown mr mcgee - london joe - spo the note new york times washington post la times the guardian cnn slate fox news drudge talking points electablog campaign desk wonkette gawker gothamist sharp reader syndic8 feedster |