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overheard: "i want to do coke in a bad way" -hall yesterevening wasn't everything it could have been. but oh well. sex and the city might have been a nice end, but i was tired. i forgot to mention in yesterday's update that i got to watch life as a house thursday night. everyone else's tears got on my face. like normal. this weekend has been designated for work. and lillian's ball tonight. but mostly work. and food. but i finished my hat. so i'm feeling good about myself. went to brunch at rhodes house this morning. it was good. i chatted for a long time to a canadian rhodent from vancouver. so that was exciting. and, ummm, it's back to being warm. 54 right now. hurrah. and drizzly. a great oxford day. jacks phone broke last night: boo. ok. back to work.
overheard: "i look far too normal" -st aldates well, as far as i've heard, bobbo's birthday was a smashing success. when i spoke to him he was working on the bibliography for his junior research project. my dad had a basketball game last night. i hope that went well. and the zags won. sorry waacho. there are a bunch of new photos i posted yesterday: one from the summer, two [1] [2] from the party monday night, and snow pictures of hall, tom tower, and the divinity school.
happy seventeenth birthday, bobsforth! yesterday was the 407th anniversary of our founder. the bastard. well, not literally. but he wasn't very nice. spoke to my mom for a good half hour. spoke to aaron for a bit. nothing ever gets resolved. it seems. i still have that bruise on my shoulder from 11 days ago. whoops. i was inspired to rework my first chapter yesterday, but then we got kicked out of rho.ho on account of something or other. i need a summer job. in DC. any brilliant ideas?
overheard: "it's too late for england" -OFS i had best intentions of getting up at 7 to go to the gym today, but sleep is contagious. so i'll content myself with free breakfast, some hot cocoa with devi, japanese food for lunch, and hopefully plenty of studying. and maybe the gym after lunch, as is so often the case on my sleep in days. no house inspecting yesterday, to my chagrin. and i messed up getting a railcard. but i did book rooms for my family's visit in april.
overheard: "i have that virus that's going around: bullemia" -greg i know i don't normally update on hangover days, but it is tuesday, and it seems a bit pathetic not to update, whatever the reason. great drinks party in dave's room last night, with matt, jack, tristan, mike, james, pete, louis, and various and sundry other individuals whose names i don't know or can't recall. flirt was great, too, reenacting monday of 1st week, mt03. all in all it was a lovely evening. and then i came home and had a shot of espresso. i think, perhaps, that wasn't the best idea. i was simultaneously drunk and buzzed. mixing uppers and downers, such a bad idea. i realized while drunk that i know innately which direction to turn the bottom thing on chapstick tubes. weird. got my rhodes ball invite in my pidge today. OH. and i need to go check out the room i got assigned for next year. it's far from college, which sucks, but it's close to the train station, which may be very good. have to decide.
overheard: "so the warden was actually nice?" -lindsey hmmmm. so much to do this week. meeting with the supervisor today. that's kinda scary. but first rho.ho, the lunch, and the bod. it's gross (aka scottish) night in hall, so i think i'll be dining elsewhere. otherwise, little preparations for the parents' visit. i hear bobsforth is my little brother again. my mom is starving him. hikama? yuck.
overheard: "there are tastebuds on my penis" -jack has it been a month since christmas already? oh, how i wish i had wifi here at oxford. last night: 9th college. hurrah. how many left. wandering tipsy around queen's last night, i found myself beneath an open window through which i could hear to people in flagrante delicto, if you know what i mean. is it time for brunch yet? why oh why haven't i done any work for forty-eight hours. nevermind. my parents are visiting in, ummm, less than ten weeks. yay.
overheard: "would you like some whiskey?" -some rho.ho worker bee yesterday at 11 am. no, i wasn't hungover yesterday. i just didn't have a decent quote, and so i lost my inspiration. really weird nyquil-induced dreams the past two night. but i'm fighting off this cold as best i can. i screwed up on my super cool hat, though, so i have to pull out a whol row of stitches. bugger. ummm. what else? there's not a cloud in the scy today. vitamin D, here i come. dinner last night: fillet of fish. what does that mean? and i had this dream that my mom sent their flight schedule for the easter visit, and it was ridiculous. spokane to denver to sydney to london. and then london to cape town to chicago to spokane. seemed quite silly, but my mom was convinced it was the cheapest ticket available. crazy dream mom. i didn't go out last night. tonight, chch.gcr/queens.mcr drinks. and that will bring me to eight colleges. hurrah. just thirty-one to go.
overheard: "it's easy to be a born again christian once you're so old your libido is gone" -brian. yes. yesterday was a productive day. i got through two books, which is more than i've done any day since i returned. and i got re-excited about my course. they announced the new warden of rhodes house: sir colin lucas, who is currently the vice-chancellor of oxford. so that's cool. the current warden is, well, you know...i had japanese food for lunch yesterday. so so amazing. really. i'm knitting myself a chch hat, speaking of exciting. and, ummmmm...two disturbing dreams last night. one in which i felt compelled to report a jerk to the proctors. in the other i had to escape, along with two girls, from sketchy used car dealer/all purpose criminal man. i think i ground my teeth.
overheard: "you could catch a crab. or a boy" -someone at dinner. to brian. anyone else counting down to the spring equinox. oh. me neither. please keep becky's friend alisa lewis and her family in your prayers. alisa died on monday from complications related to bacterial meningitis. very sad. oxford is tropical of late. so warm here. but not trusting it, i've started knitting a cap for myself. i need to start doing a LOT more work. ARGH. so did anyone else notice during the state of the onion last night that whenever W grins, it looks like he's a frat boy who just got laid. other than that, he has two faces: looking serious (but like he's about to start grinning) and looking completely vacant. that he is the most powerful man in the world could well be the most frightening thing i've ever contemplated. patriot act. straight marriage. ugh. makes tony blair almost palatable. oh, and ps to amanda: good work on spreading santorum to georgetown.
overheard: i got nothin today it's 8.15, and i've already been to the gym. gonna head to breakfast presently. and then a full day of bodding it up. tonight is tuesday at the turf. i missed lunch yesterday. but then had a croissant with melty cheese. love that. and tea at rhoho. sent in out a couple applications for summer jobs. and some postcards. and, ummmm, bought envelopes. if you haven't noticed, it was a profoundly boring day. but now i know that my supervisor is alive. and we're meeting monday of second week. so he can rip apart my first chapter (which is, admittedly, complete crap) then.
overheard: "she's very easy" -jack yesterday was a hangover day. whcih was fine by me, though i'm still a bit sleepy today. dr archer finally emailed me back. we're meeting next week to discuss chapter one and ideas for things i can present to my seminar group at the end of term. i really need to dig into some archives. and take a nap. maybe go work out. it's cold. not really cold. i just feel cold. in ten days, bobsforth turns 17. and in a month, manda turns 21. whoop whoop.
overheard:"i have nothing against northern people" -sammy it's damn cold in oxford today. almost went for cocktails after dinner last night, but decided that the queue was too long and the temperature was too low. it was, all in all, a pleasant evening. i had a good workout yesterday. i got up at a reasonable hour this morning, and now i'll be going to brunch. i'd say that after brunch i'd do laundry, but that seems like an awful idea, really.
overheard:"if you are struggling for some SAME ideas take a look at gap's shop window for some inspiration" -matt a few observations: 1)if i want to ever become a productive student again, i'll have to stop sleeping for eleven hours each day...which is not to say that i want to be a productive student. 2)men in england really ought to stop wearing those stupid pirate pants. 3)there is nothing more annoying than watching people lift weights dangerously. 4)free breakfast is still the best thing that's ever happened to me. 5)i'm the only person in the world that the chch computing officer is nice to. 6)i have really vivid dreams. last night i dreamt about a game of capture the flag i played with all my spokane friends that spanned north america. very fun.
overheard: "you should never smoke out of something that requires two people to operate" -anonymous i recommend the dowd op-ed in the new york times today. made me like dr dean even more. and krugman's from tuesday. yes. and, well, how is my work going? i haven't been to the gym yet. i hate jet lag. and i think maybe i need to find a library. and sleep 8 reasonably. but free breakfast is the best thing that's ever happened to me.
overheard: "i know he's strong, but..." -jack yeah, so i'm really sore after one night of 11 hours of sleep. and i missed free breakfast in hall, which sucks. but it's lovely to be back at oxford. i got to see pretty mountains at the beginning of the flight. and, ummmm, what else? all you can eat lunch at pizza hut was a bad idea yesterday.
overheard: "watch your lethal gum" -NTSA guy, amidst my security screening. well well well, i spent most of yesterday on a plane. wrote a little bit. read a little bit. slept a lot bit. you know how pleasant being on a plane for 12 hours can be. oh yeah. but now i'm back in oxford. woohoo. and scared of my first meeting with my supervisor. think it can be put off until first week? i doubt it. i wonder when his stint as proctor ends. and i wonder when i have to do a presentations for my seminar group. i'm getting a bit nervous about the latter. i did write about 8500 words over break. so almost a tenth of my disserations, i guess. but it definitely needs heavy revision. and i need to do a heck of a lot more reading before my master stud viva. AHHHH. oh, the stress of being a student. ALH: ihbio. ha. ha. maybe you'll get it back. i couldn't resist. people need to see it.
overheard: "i'm a bunkbed" -gabe so, um, yeah. my funk from saturday night extended well into yesterday. in large part because i got fogged in. damn fog. but then kyle took me out for a beer at the blue spark, and that lifted my funk. it's still foggy right now, so i'm trying not to get too excited about leaving today. but i'm glad i'm in a better mood now than i was yesterday. now let's get back to school.
overheard: "it's not that i don't like shaved balls" -jack i know i said no update today, but i lied. last night was, well, not the best. i had one of those nights of insecurity...feeling unwanted/disliked/undesirable. and i know it wasn't based in reality. but it was still tough. i felt out of it all night. and my goodbyes didn't feel as sincere as i would have liked, since i won't see most of these people for 6 months at least. ugh. oh well. it was good to say goodbye to people. rob in particular, since i haven't seen him very much this break. he and rolandas came bye. that was actually very nice. but, like i said, i had an off night. and i shouldn't go out when i have them, but there were a couple people i really wanted to take my leave of. ok. enough whining. i'm off to england.
overheard: "if you'd like to hook up sometime at the office..." -rick, to jake sorry about no update yesterday. i'm chalking it up to a hangover. but i didn't really have one. i was just sleepy. and there won't be an update tomorrow, because i'm flying back to jolly old england. hurrah. two more sleeps. i still haven't finished my chapter. damn. i'd really hoped...whatever. and i'm still way behind in my other reading. but whatever. it's been a good break. i'm sad that i won't see my family for so long. and i wish becky had had a longer christmas break. wait. she's on the phone. back now. ummm. going out tonight. and out to lunch with the gramma k-dot. and dinner at qdoba. mmmmm. mexican food. i'm suddenly feeling very grumpy about this chapter thing. maybe i can finish on my first flight tomorrow. cross your fingers. y'all: it was great to see you this break. let's do it again soon. perhaps next christmas? love to everyone.
overheard: "huckleberries is like my mom" -gabe, whose birthday is today my departure is approaching. ack. and i'm up before dawn, headed to the gym. why? don't know, but hopefully it will help with the whole moving back to england on the weekend. it's cold and snowy here. i shoveled yesterday, and lost mom's glasses. sadness. but dinner was good, and we played scrabble. yummy brownies from dr mengert's birthday yesterday. and, um, amanda leaves tomorrow. but i thought there was something else. uncle neener left the hospital yesterday, all better. and now my dad's going in tomorrow to have his snoring fixed. hopefully. ok. i'm off. cheers.
overheard: "my reaction would be one of shock and awe" -nasa guy re: the mars rover's images so on a cold epiphany night, it only takes two beers and one hot buttered rum to push me headlong into drunkenness. mom got the cutest haircut ever. so did weez. i wrote 5 pages of paper at the GU library before they closed 3 hours early--i think on account of the great storm that wasn't. i had to park in the club's south lot yesterday to work out. how inconvenient. but i had a good-ish work out. i think england is bad for my cardiovascular system. i think it's time to eat breakfast and brush my teeth. and then back to the library for mor writing. hurrah.
overheard: "hopefully masturbate" -jack the clock is ticking on this getting work done business. i'm going to hit up the GU library today. that should help. i will not leave until i have a lot of work done. i just wish i'd brought my laptop lock back to spokie. family day at the hospital went pretty well yesterday. no word on uncle steve yet, but gramma and auntie marguerite are doing well. we actually had a slumber party with gramma last night. and what else? i think it's time for me to get started on my day.
overheard: "if i never see another drunk eighteen-year-old again, it will be too soon" -rick yesterday was an emotional roller-coaster. but in the end it all worked out. like it tends to do. i had a dream last night that i was an RA at georgetown again in a part of campus really far out that everyone called the cape. the cape was set up a bit like an oxford quad, with a big pond and fountain in the middle. and staircases. but since the cape was so far out, they gave me a room in copley, as well. which i stayed in. and thus neglected my RA duties for an entire term. but then when i was getting ready to go home, i walked over to the cape and bumped into b.walsh. it was good to see him. i think he's in new york now. i ought to email that guy. see how the heck he's doing.
overheard: "i'd never want to do it with anyone else" -bobsforth which of my closest friends are flying today? katie, allison, jack and randerson. last night i found peace. in a gay bar. who knew? life is weird sometimes. and how damn cold is it in spokane? three cheers for a free beer. warms the soul. going to the cold mountain harbour creek movie today. oh. thai food last night. and uncle neener said mass at st aloysius. and lunch and lindamen's with katie. all in all: an extremely good day. i have SO much work to do. ARRRR. pirates.
overheard: "girls' tongues are less sensitive than boys'" -john only allison. i tell you. that girl. so last night i go over to her house for second dinner. her bon voyage dinner. and all night rick is pestereing her to check her flight time for tomorrow. and so then after midnight she checks...and learns her flight is on sunday. crazy allison. but...i never comlain about two dinners as good as those last night. my workout was good yesterday, as well. sore arms. went out to coffee two distinct time. got a long email from slapass. didn't go out. perhpas i'll go out tonight. perhaps not.
overheard: "little weird. but not weird enough to make me not want it. bad" -jack just in case you'd forgotten, fr bobbo is one of the more amazing people i've ever met. and he's my little brother's namesake. so yesterday afternoon at mike and marguerit'es was so much fun. kevin and kira's kids are KUTE. heheh. i'm on my fourth color on that scarf. it looks hot. went to allison's house briefly last night. watched the joy luck club. interesting movie. hmmm. what else? OH. 10 inches-ish of snow last night. fun times. guster shaped trenches in the back yard.
overheard: "i'm surprised it took her this long" -amanda happy new year, y'all. stoopid holiday. made gnocchi yesterday. worked out. wrapped allison's presents
for david. and then served as DD. first time that's ever happened. it wasn't so bad. pub/club and gabby's were both closed...
i'd love to hear that story. so we went to banana joe's. and allison, katie, and bekah conned our way in. who knew
so many trashy people could be crammed into one bar. and aside from the folks with whom i went, i knew all of one people there.
but it was quite a fun new year's. bekah left for chicago today. that's kinda sad. but i met a few cool people at allison's
house. i think every new year's eve should be so pleasant.