daily |
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today jul 2002 jun 2002 may 2002 apr 2002 mar 2002 feb 2002 jan 2002 dec 2001 nov 2001 oct 2001 sep 2001 aug 2001 jul 2001 jun 2001 may 2001 apr 2001 mar 2001 feb 2001 jan 2001 dec 2000 nov 2000 oct 2000 sep 2000 aug 2000 |
i'm considering discontinuing the daily updates for a while...possibly until after my jv year. i'll decide on 30 june, when i get back from my vacation with my family. i'm hurting a lot now. a lot. and i'm sad, and i'm confused, and i'm angry, and you may right me down in history and i am letting the telephone ring
overheard: "it was really nice to wake up in your sister's bedroom, too" -james it's all downhill from here. or at least shorter days. lilo and stitch was funny. so was bring it on. and port is good. and becky lost, but the mariner's won. and life is confusing, as always, but good. tomorrow i leave for the beach and seattle pride. that means no updates for a little over a week. maybe all the way until july. ACK! the summer is flying by. i have so much to do. why do i break my own heart?
summer solstice!! sooooo. england had to work to lose that game last night. and work at that they did. wow. we lost too, which sucks. a lot. oh well. today is the longest day of the year...it's just downhill from here. sadness. civil sunrise in spokane started at 4:11 this morning, and it ends at 9:33 tonight. that's a long day. techically, it's 16 hours from sunrise to sunset. that's an hour longer than all you suckers in dc get. sometimes, it's nice to live in the arctic circle. or close, anyway. congrats to james on becoming an uncle today. and thanks to rebecca for dinner last night. and once again, hooray for solstice!
overheard: "we need them to poop more" -mom ummmm. yesterday was a month at home, and the first time i'd driven up grand as far as 29th. other than that, though, i stuck close to home. mom made and extremely spicy chicken panang for dinner. yum. and i kept reading the sun also rises which i'm enjoying a lot more than the last time i read it. i suppose i have a greater appreciation for the lost generation. today: worldcup party. england play brazil. ACK! why oh why has god smitten michael owen's crotch?
overheard: "dang, you've got nice hands" -rob hmmm...huge breakfast at arny's yesterday. still feeling that one. watched a bit of the italy-korea game. dad gave james the be a dermatologist talk. went to a very nice funeral. watched i am sam with james. went and had a bit to eat with james and rob. went to cheney. came back. went to bed. it was a simple day, but a good day. oh, and it's my parents' 24th anniversary of engagement. and juneteenth.
overheard: "[unintelligible mumbling]? it may just be earwax" -dahd. well, i may not have left the house yesterday, but what does that matter? i did lay in the sun a bit, and watch becky shoot hoops for a bit, and read for a bit, and do research for a bit. so i ain't complaining. today it's a bit chillier. slept for a long time last night. crazy summertime, when the living is easy. jerry's funeral is today, so say a little prayer for him at one this afternoon. in happier news: james is slated to become an uncle any day now! also in happier news: ian, you have the most adorable away messages EVER. oh, and we beat mexico 2 nil. woohoo!
overheard: "good oral hygeine, even for my butt" -manda. manda has gone now. sad day. yesterday was sort of a bum day for most of it. the father's day parts of it were nice. as was dinner at the busch's and playing with niko. and going to see the bourne identity with james. it's somewhat formulaic, but still entertaining. and the part with the guy and the window was HILARIOUS. saw adam l. there. sad with him actually. hadn't seen that kid in ages. when are allison and katie coming back? i miss you ladies.
happy father's day!! so...thanks to james for playing host yesterday afternoon, and to rob for playing host last night, and to aaron for the skyy. all in all, it was a pretty good day, i think. a little hot at times, a little tense at times, a little mean at times, unfortunately ("no one ever talks about it, but no one can disguise that cloud of competition that is hanging behind their eyes. there's more bad blood in this bar than there is beer. and it's subtle, but it still sucks, and i want out of here"). but good in the end, i guess. today is father's day, a holiday invented in fair spokane, washington. give your dad a call or a hug today. and don't forget to tip your waitstaff.
overheard: "i'm not serving either of you" -bartender who hated bekah cuz she put her hand, which had just been on fire, in the ice. congrats to james on graduating!!!! i'm very proud of you, buddy. um. yesterday bekah and i went out. that was fun. other than that, it was a fairly boring day. no becky. taco time lunch. a little shopping. steak dinner. us advances to round of 16. i'm short today.
overheard: "he just wants me to lick his mole" -rebecca not my sister not bekah let's see. yesterday. forgot to take that pic down to rob's office. put ice in my pockets. watched becky's team win. went to didier's with rob, and watched an almost good movie with him. that's about it. later.
overheard: i haven't written anything down: big mistake. sorry about not updating yesterday. i just wasn't in the mood (gasp!). life is proceeding like it does during the summer. bekah is home!!!!! we went to the blue spark and gabby's last night. free beer at gabby's. woohoo. and my first car bomb at the blue spark. tuesday night, had a good lunch at red robin and a good dinner at the old spaghetti factory. gin fizzes with dinner last night. i can't remember what else. something. oh well. have a good one.
happy 21st, stephen!!!
and a 2-day belated happy birthday to megmoooooo. what a weekend. cucina cucina, gabby's, dempsey's, rebecca findin out, phobes, drive to seattle, have to pee, pacific place and a spokanite, getting lost on the way to ravenna, eatin at the u. village, party party, the rent is how low?, i see what it does...how does it WORK?, blu, lauren m., neighbors blah, aaron's flight attendant, sleep on sofa, brunch at lowells, walking SO FAR, most beautiful day ever in seattle, timberline, thai dinner--oh so much food, truth or dare but too tired, sleep in the bed, drive home. gossip gossip. whole family car accident when crazy woman slams into car. no one hurt. the past few days have been very enjoyable, except that last part. ugh.
overheard: "we need some goldfish crackers so i can make a video" -manda TGIF? what? nah. doesn't matter. got a new project, though, which is cool. so now i have three. and i'm being lazy on all counts. big surprise. no. i'm gonna do work today. going to seattle tomorrow with rob and aaron. i'll be back monday. yesterday night, rob and james and i went to that movie. good. depressing. italian. i also got some more pics for the falsettos website, and made some sketches in my diary, which is something i'd avoided for a long time. oh well. change is the only constant, right? right. on that note, i'm gonna go change and go down to the club to work out.
overheard: "virgins are silly" -ian yesterday: lunch with marie (thank you so much!!!), drove down to visit the aardvark, went to a play with my mom. i hope rob and buddy had fun last night, and i hope that i get to go see the son's room tonight. we'll see. anyway, i just got back from the gym and they're just now delivering our new clothes dryer.
overheard: "can i pee, then try to avoid you?" -beckers yesterday was good. lot of republicans. i'm doing a website for this great little coffee place downtown called tryst. and i wandered around with robert. that was good. otherwise, it was pretty boring. i went to a republican event at the condons with rob. ran into jonathan. went down to tryst with rob. chilled for a bit. talked to aaron. went to sleep. a full night, by any standard. but a good night, as well. today: thai with marie; theatre with mom. later, gators.
overheard: "he only likes it because the girls come up and touch his walaroo" -manda so, hwere we are on tuesday. feelin real lazy. maybe i'll go to seattle with rob this weekend. we'll see. it's been a long time since i've been. about six months. what a fun town that is. what else is up? not much. studied downtown at the library yesterday. went to that new ice cream place up in north pointe. they need more outdoor seating. the lady there talks too much. qdoba dinner, then drove around with rob, got free soda, looked at the new dormitory, and got a beer at the elk. then i got to bed at a reasonable hour. highlight of the day: talking to meg, cuz she's one awesome possum, and she's back on north america now, too!
overheard: "it's not a bag, it's a shirt!" -dar, manda, us please pray for mr. kohls today. we'll be having a mass for him this afternoon at 5:30. yesterday we had a picnic at riverside state park. slowest subway woman EVER. got to go to DQ, which is always a blast. and now it's monday. ugh. wait. it doesn't matter. i have to start working on the GRE and grad school apps. god save the queen (happy golden jubilee).
overheard: "i'll buy you a muffin for tomorrow morning" -one girl to another at tryst last night late update today: had a big family breakfast this morning in celebration of me getting booted out of the town of george. gramma, uncle neener, fr. tom, aunt marguerite and uncle mike, aunt toni and uncle phil, christy, kira, niko and baby emmy, the 'noskies, aaron, and my family. and gin fizzes. last night: didn't go on that cruise, but did go to red robin and the sum of all fears with james. and then went to tryst. that was a great evening. thanks, bud.
overheard: "i'm not going to smell every bush" -james welcome to the new site. well, welcome if you're using internet explorer, anyway. sorry to all you netscape fans, but yer browser is dumb. i have a lil hangover today. but that's fine. breakfast sammich and tea. good luck to beckers in her tourney. it's a lovely, cloudy day here in spokane. graduation brunch tomorrow. got stuff to do. hope y'all have peachy keen days. ![]() |