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happy birthday, T :-) last day of updates for a long while. i leave for london-town this evening. i'm quite excited. it's going to be washington state week in london. i swear, about half the washington hoyas i know are headed to town. craziness. i'd like to say that i'm very tired, and that packing stinks. and that i still need to buy a dress shirt for formal hall. yeehaw. in other news, i'd like to mention how saddened i was to see the wholesale destruction of so many beautiful old trees on the capital grounds. their stumps, still looking freshly cut, made me want to cry. take me back to the northwest.
overheard: "i can't wait to send naked pictures of myself over the internet" -georgetown outdoor ed office mass was good last night. so was basil thai. and i'm pretty sure that i'll be able to get myself from heathrow to cambridge without too much worry. i hope. i have SOOOOOOO much to do today. library of congress. american express. uis. papers up the wazzu. staff meeting. aust hist class. gotta call those lambert characters, as well. in a completely unrelated note: you are my hidiing place. you always fill my heart with songs of deliverance. whenever i am afraid i will trust in you...i will trust in you...
overheard: "i just don't like following people in cars" -profro the highlight of last night (besides a dinner of two chipotle burritos) was definitely the bumping into of one patagonia. yes. he does exist. who knew. but wrapworks, really. t-2 days til i leave to see allison. happy day. now back to writing...
overheard: "you just don't seem like the type of person who'd use a vibrator" -googlebutric cheers to the gaap activists. jeers to the homophobes who felt it necessary to point out the obvious things that are already hammered into them by georgetown admissions literature: that their are straight hoyas, and muslim hoyas, and floridian hoyas, etc. with the exception of the muslims hoyas, though i doubt many of the rest of you have experienced physical or psychological violence for that. when was the last time your tires were slashed for being straight, knights of columbus [ed note: i took that ref down, but after some consideration, i've decided it's an accurate reflection of the type of people who were out there with signs friday, 20020225]? when was the last time you felt the stinging isolation of being, as far as you could tell, altogether alone in a see of people who are not only unlike you, but are openly hostile to you? if the existence of any other group of students (religious, racial, ability-based) was actively and angrily ignored by a large number of people on campus, i would have been out there with them chalking and fliering. and it saddens me that you're only willing to make the obvious more obvious.
overheard: "is this your first time?" -dinner at darnall well, gaap weekend starts today. and i have a big paper due at four. just gotta write it now. i'm on duty tonight. i wish i were eating chipotle right now. also today: meeting with dr. g, CS event, paper grading, and more paper writing. where are my tickets to london?
HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY, BRANDON!! who woulda ever thunk, back in 1987 when brandon and i first started hanging out, that someday we'd both be stranded out on the east coast and we'd both be 21. well, here we are. have a good one, bud: if you must boot, remember to boot and rally. in completely unrelated news, am told by my parental units that yesterday was a bit of a palendrome. 20/2/02. there was something about the time, too (two, haha), but i don't remember it any more. oh. 8:02 pm would be 20:02, 02/20/2002. or, alternately, 20:02, 20/02/2002. put that in your pipe and smoke it. also in completely unrelated news i demand that you all go to the voice's cover story of the week to see mandahouse on the cover. what a good catholic school girl. also in weird stories from my life...it smelled like the primary hall at cataldo in the LOC elevator yesterday. and it smelled like camp reed next to white gravenor. and the weather was wonderful, warm and rainy. on i miss megmoooooo in conclusion: school is rocking my world. and not in that good way. :-)
overheard: "i'd push him down the exorcist stairs" -girl on rob's floor not only did rufus and the bullpups beat mead last night, but becky was high scorer in the game, proving and reproving how awesome odd kids are. even kids: you're cool, too, just not as cool as odd kids. yesterday was pretty lame academically. the real world was good, though, as was the googlebutric meeting (i think...i'm still dazed about that). and marco sent his wicked cool research about georgetown's structure. it's supposed to be 60 today. i'm going to the LOC. aaah! so much to do before next tuesday. aaah!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MANDAHOUSE!! tony anderson passed away last night, so please keep him and kay in your prayers. it's hell week. well, one of three hell weeks for the semester. i leave for london a week from today. i'm excited about that, but i've got TONS of stuff to do between now and then. and i've gotta get started. so i hope y'all enjoyed the long weekend. let's get this week over with, already. oh. one last thing: rufus, beat mead!!
overheard: "can i take a picture of you guys?" -weird woman in annapolis the spokanites have departed. sad day. have a safe trip home!! we'll see you at easter! annapolis was fun yesterday, even if i did miss mass as a result, which stank. but the tombs was good, and that waitress knows me know, which is cool. meanest waitress ever at mangia's, though. really. and my pillow smelled like the beach last night, which i always like. because i like the beach. gotta work on that. so much to do today. to the libes!!
overheard: "they take this meat grinder up to your eye..." -mike it's sunday, and i have 23 million pounds of homework to do today. i'm going to annapolis to visit mike today, as well. that should be fun, but aaaaaaaah! i was on duty last night unannounced, because shamecca decided that a voicemail saying we'd discuss my covering for her was the same thing as my saying i would. so i'm a bit grumpy about that. and i still need to find a way to get callie's purse back from burleith.
overheard: "i had a dream about this when i was drunk. this is so much better." -callie last night that was ridiculous. like underground seattle only about 75 times more dangerous. ouch. there are bruises. there were big metal things sticking out everywhere. they hurt me. ah, drunken phone calls. is there anything more embarassing the next morning? i'm sure there is. anyway, callie: i hope you enjoyed that unseen part of the town of george...cuz i sho did. yeah, and i have soooooooo much work to do. crud.
overheard: "my head can't ever go that far" -joe mc. ok. friday. busy friday, though, so i can't say much. i'm hongry, and that's enough. callie and joe m. got here safely last night. and we had chipotle. yummy chipotle. and i got a lot of sleep last night.
happy v-day! well, yesterday was better, thankfully. i got through six books in sp.col. at the LOC, and i heard some prison of learning gossip. and i made some valentines, and i did some other work. it was a generally productive day, which was quite necessary. callie and joe come in this evening. vagina monologues, perhaps? or maybe chipotle and teaisms? i don't know. the voice cover is wacky today. and i get to see allison soon, which is wicked cool.
so begins lent you ever have one of those days where, no matter what you do, it's the wrong thing? that was me yesterday. i don't know what it was about the day, but i was off. way off. and i couldn't seem to get back on track. i get to see allison two weeks from today, though!! and i get to see callie tomorrow. so it's all good. and hopefully today will be better
overheard: "what else did they sell in new zealand? sex. they sold sex." -australian history course boy, the academy that got handed out yesterday sure looks silly, since the yard referendum failed 1636 to 528. whoops. and bridges and ayer won for gusa p/vp. i'm ready for summer. the guy at the LOC yesterday was mean to me. so i left. i'm listening to dar williams now. and i really need to go bathe. so i'm gonna do that. and then i'm gonna go to my trillions of hellishly long tuesday classes. i hope everyone has good days. other strange information i learned yesterday when i was absurdly bored at the prison of learning: while there are 343,312 african american people in DC, there are 190,267 african american people in washington state. wierd, eh?
overheard: "i'd rather cut off my foot than kiss him" -mandahouse sorry about not posting the update yesterday. it slipped my mind. sorry also that i've removed the picture galleries. i'm in the process of a huge redesign of the site, which whill hopefully be up shortly after i finish my thesis. bear with me. speaking of the ole thesis: it's an loc day. so i'd best get a move on. take it easy, yo.
overheard: "i just tasted my roommate's nuts, though" -rob oh my. it's sunday. is it me, or do the weeks just keep getting faster? i was on duty last night. it was totally quiet in east campus, i must say. i got brain vomit in a file for the first chapter of my thesis. at least it's a starting point, eh? i'm excited for brunch today. and i'm moderately grumpy that basil thai charged me $105 dollars for a $15 meal. but i'll get that worked out. in other news: i can't see the monument today, cuz it's foggy, and the hr is definitely still h. i slept oh so well last night. for about 10 hours, too. it was splendiferous. dreamt about something or other having to do with my extended family. i remember seeing gramma and aunty marguerite in it, anyway. cool beans.
overheard: "he's having sex with a dolphin?" -joe well, it's saturday. i'm on duty tonight: lame-o. that's fine, i guess. a chance to get some homework done. went to monster sink last night. what a funny movie. i think that's all i have to say right now. i'm supposed to go to the LOC today, but i really don't want to. perhaps i won't. aight. i'm out.
overheard: "this is f--king my stalker." -rob i was in a mood this morning. perhaps it was the going to bed at 3. perhaps it was spending four hours last night in the closest thing DC has to a coffee house, which was smoke filled and not coffee house-ish at all. perhaps it was it was the chainsaws and chipper shredder that were conveniently placed outside my window this morning at 7:30. perhaps it was the godawful picture of me in today's issue of the blade. whatever the reason, though, i was not a happy camper when i woke up this morning. so i went for a run. please note: bubba exercises under two circumstances: 1)he's in spokane and bored bored bored. 2) he's in a mood. well, today it was the latter, of course. so i ran down by the c&o canal. and on the run back, i stopped at the point where the rainwater runoff tunnels meet the potomac. it smelled like muck, and the gurgling of the rain tunnels reminded me of the time beckers and i went to schweitzer and waded in the absurdly cold creek, and then had to jump back up on the foot bridge. that was fun. today's experience, however, was ruined my my remembering that the rainwater runoff tunnels double as sewage overflow tunnels. i think i'm ready to go back home, now. where i can go up to the mountains and find a little clean water. clean plus giardia, anyway. HA! twenty questions.
overheard: "carpenter, clerk living in the attic, beautiful young wench: that's all we need to know." -chaucer i was on fire yesterday. well, i was in two buildings when fire alarms went off, anyway. and i saw a car on fire across the street from the law center. and my thesis may not be started, but at least i have an appendix, eh? went to the tombs last night. gotta get to breakfast with mandahouse here pretty quick. hopefully it's a lacrosse breakfast. the stranger today, with monorail red light/greenlight and an article on sound transit's legal woes, along with old favorites, seattle's sexiest, and valentine cards, is GREAT. also, i think we should start pronouncing it "straw-nger," because it's funny, and seattle doesn't have enough pronunciation quirks. oh, one last thing: krispy kreme last night: yum.
overheard: "it's a personality trait in your body. it's going to come out when it's possibly provoked." -ethics my fear of tuesdays continues. at least the real world was on last night. and i slept very well. it's all good. oh, and the internet is finally back. stoopid verizon screwed up ALL of gtown's connection yesterday. it was awful awful awful. but now it's back, and i can post my updates. back to the good ol' LOC today. hopefully not so windy this time. lot's to do. time for breakfast now. i'm excited.
overheard: "he had sex with their queen. he wasn't only interested in plants." -australia/new zealand class sorry about the no update yesterday: my computer froze as i finished writing it, and i didn't have time to write another before leaving for the prison of learning. i still hate sundays, but some things can manage to put a smile on my face sunday mornings. every morning should start like last sunday did. and last friday, for that matter. honestly, i can't even leave my room anymore. and i'm fine with that. at least they turned our water back on. and, yesterday, in addition to the INSANE wind (what was the deal with THAT?) i got to go into the closed stacks of the prison of learning to look for a book they couldn't find. and it was SOOOOOOOOO cool. wow. yeah.
overheard: "i need to eat more...shit." -rob i hate sundays.
happy birthday, mommy!! well, a definitive no came down from the j-man yesterday. and that was kinda a good thing, i guess. chipotle today. free chipotle, i should add. and perhaps a navy party. i'd rather just do the seven tons of homework i have, though. i don't know. we'll see. ugh. i talked to allison this morning. a JOY, as always. :-). so now i have an england plan. which is great. hr was definitely trying to be seen naked yesterday. tease. i like it. i don't know. soooooo much work to do today. maybe i shouldn't spend it at the loc. i'm so confused. what do i need? what do i want? "i've got everything i want and still i want more," to quote ani. speaking of ani, i just rerealized my deeply held love for her oldest albums. ok. enough brain vomit from me.
overheard: "it's alcoholic, but it's an easy alcoholic" -chaucer class please say a prayer today for the repose of the soul of nick jabara. and another for his family. meeting with dr. gonzalez today. and chipotle. it's 75 again, and now it's february. the hoya was good to us. ![]() |