daily |
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today mar 2004 feb 2004 jan 2004 dec 2003 nov 2003 oct 2003 sep 2003 jul 2002 jun 2002 may 2002 apr 2002 mar 2002 feb 2002 jan 2002 dec 2001 nov 2001 oct 2001 sep 2001 aug 2001 jul 2001 jun 2001 may 2001 apr 2001 mar 2001 feb 2001 jan 2001 dec 2000 nov 2000 oct 2000 sep 2000 aug 2000 |
overheard: "the long memory is the most radical idea in america" -utah phillips it's hard to believe that missy had puppies 12 years ago today. that dog is old. old, i tell you. sorry about no update yesterday. was feeling uninspired. went to the gym, though, and wrote 500 words of the seminar presentation. dinner at the dean's on friday was aight. wish i'd gotten to see the gardens at the deanery. other than that, i can't really report much excitement from the ox1. welcome to 7th week. say goodbye to february. i love how quickly this month always seems to go. and once it's gone, that means spring is practically here. hurrah! the daffodils jack got for my desk are in full bloom and look espcially lovely from across the road.
overheard: "i've never masturbated" -number 706 i'm sure there was something splendid that happened yesterday. i love those little images that
float around my head just before i drift off to sleep. last night it was a dog-like creature wearing a leather
cap (like the old football helmets) that was encrusted with different colors of rhinestones. the dog was laughing.
very odd. we had our first student presentations in my seminar last night. my presentation is in 13 days. ack!
definitely need to write 2500 words this weekend. and transcribe all that guildhall stuff. i topped up
my international phone card yesterday...it's surprising to me that i still haven't spent £20 on international
calling since the start of michaelmas term. i think i'll head to the gym now, and then to that bod place thing.
overheard: "say something funny!" -amanda
last night was capped by a surprise (but certainly welcome)3am call from danielle. we discussed
spam. my spamming her. jesus. georgetown. lesbians. new york city politics. &c. quite pleasant. and then i went
back to sleep. i had hoped to go to the gym before breakfast today, but when that alarm went off, i was way
tired. today, i vow to be productive. or i'll try to be productive. or something. aight. breakfast.
ash wednesday as y'all may have guessed, i didn't actually go to london, i went to washington. and i surprised
manda and got her real drunk for her 21st birthday. and all was right with the world. it was a great weekend,
filled with lots of food, lots of amanda, ian and joe, and lots of random run-ins with hoyas. i had lunch
with fr ribeiro and dinner with fr kemp and another lunch with dr astarita. and all in all had a lovely time.
lent starts today, so no more alcohol for me. but i did get really trashed at the graduate dinner last night.
wow. definitely the nicest the college has been to us all year. pictures will be forthcoming. i had a good
workout yesterday. and i hear a rumor that formal hall will soon include coffee and perhaps cheese. very exciting.
oh. and ps: i fully expect every queer person (and everyone with queer parents/children/siblings/friends) to vote
in november against george w. bigot.
overheard: "[amanda] is really a gay man in a woman's body" -joe
so it's way too early to be up. i may or may not have worn my boxers inside out all day yesterday.
i'm headed into london for another round of transcribing
16th century manuscripts. i may stay the night in the capital, so don't go expecting an update tomorrow.
which, i suppose, means i ought to wish the aforementioned amanda happy 21st birthday early. this evening,
weez, i call on you to remember the rules of drinking at georgetown: the first rule of drinking at georgetown is
you do not talk about drinking at georgetown. the second rule of drinking at georgetown is you do not talk about
drinking at georgetown. the third rule: no waste. the fourth rule: don't die...so, keep it in perspective, and get
totally drunk.
overheard: "there's nothing funny about chairman mao" -the turf
what is it they say about polite conversation avoiding sex, politics, and religion? what is
polite conversation, in any case? i'm quite sure i've never been involved in one. what would that leave? sport
and the weather, i suppose? oh, and my favorite topic: food. well, i refuse to discuss sport. the weather is nice.
i really should stick to food, then. alright. so be it.
overheard: "i miss aaron" -jack
my parents and bo.ho got home from a weekend visiting becky safely last night. i wonder if
it's spirit olympic week at the ol' g prep. in the process, i hear, they bought becky a black dress for the
rhodes ball in may. which means she's coming. which means i'm quite excited. hurrah. i'm having lunch today
with mr simon and a meeting with dr archer this evening. oh. and i hadn't mentioned it yet, but how much fun
is the mayor of san francisco's civil disobedience? and how ridiculous is the very thought of writing any form
of discrimination into a constitution in 2004? apparently not worthy of enough ridicule. so let me add my voice
to those who say, "mr president, you and every single one of your hate-mongering, jesus-appropriating, fascist
followers should keep your hands off the constitution. in fifty years, your children's children (and
my children's children) will look
back on you with the same contempt my generation holds for governor wallace and every other
racist fuck who tried to keep little black kids out of sacrosanct white schools."
overheard: "girls are squishy" -jeremy
black tie dinner last night was lovely. they did a much better job with the steak than i
expected. but i wasn't in the mood to get drunk, so the thrust of the guest dinner was lost on me, i'm
afraid. i hope that boston and denver are going well for my respective family members this weekend. i still
hate valtentine's day. i am a bit hungry. and i have plenty of work to do before wednesday.
as joe says, happy vd so yeah, the meeting thing yesterday was super cool. very interesting people/ideas/free
smoothie. two dinners, of course. jack made me a veritable thai feast. so full. black sticky rice with mango
is the best breakfast/dessert ever. and also, lawrence stone makes me happy. i also found out just now
that mike and jr and jennifer and abbey will be living practically next door to me next year, which will make
my life much more enjoyable. weird doppelganger picture takers just rode by on the top deck of a bus. freaky.
i'm out.
happy birthday, bekah! how does one maintain peace when confronted with a black hole of negativity? this is my
quasi hypothetical question of the end of the week. my presentation, i found out, isn't until 8th
week. which makes my life much easier. four months, eh? who knew? um. i think i owe mr crawford a
letter. perhaps that will be my goal for the weekend. most of my family is in denver this week. except
me. and amanda, who is in boston visiting tree and maybe getting to see allison and callie. i'm jealous of
all four of them. what a good time. joe is in boston this weekend as well. travelly weekend, it seems. oh
and it's friday the 13th. which is kinda like the day bekah was born. which is fun. and about five years ago
this weekend, allison and parker broke up. and now he's married. oh, the memories.
overheard: "if a boy's in my bed i have sex with him" -my my my
dinner at keble high table last night was lovely. a whole new side of dr archer. he's
really got his finger on the pulse of the university. it's too bad they shuffle people out of the provost's
office as soon as they know what's best for this place. when i left keble, i walked back to the house
in what can only be described as a lovely evening. warm and sweet-smelling, it reminded me of those nights
in georgetown when the sidewalks practically beg you to take a nighttime walk. so by the time i got back
to my room, i was mighty reminiscent about my good old college days. so i listened to my gina young cd
and thought of my googlebutric friends. and ian. *sigh*
overheard: "if it's not a sin, i'm not playing" -manda
london yesterday: a dig cam success story. and now i have something to do at the
weekends. namely, transcribe from the computer. hot chocolate was so good. the bus back from london
yesterday was opppressively hot. dinner in hall wasn't as good as mexican night. which was great.
and now i'm going to rho.ho for the morning and then FREE JAPANESE LUNCH. life is good.
overheard: "probably serves me right" -jack
in london for the day. working like a madman. i hope. and not starving. also i hope.
it's chilly but oh well. i'm taking my dig cam. um. yes. disjointed update. sorry. 6.30 am. just woke
up. not feeling the coherence thing so much right now.
overheard: "you feel so awesome on top of me" -not me to someone else who is also not me, but a good quote nonethelss
goodness gracious! did i neglect to update yesterday? how'd i manage that. i'm deeply remorseful,
i'm sure. i had a dream last night in which manda started smoking, and she would insist on smoking near
gramma. and i had to tell her to quit that. and becky married some prince, and became princess becky.
so i could hardly be surprised when i woke up this morning to an IM from becky saying she and bobsforth
are going to be baby jonathan's godparents. how very exciting is that?!? they will be contractually bound
to spoil him for the rest of his life. totally not fair that they're beating me and the wheeze to godparenthood.
but oh well. i'm set to have another painfully productive week. i love my research. and i'm going into
london tomorrow, methinks. break. oh. fakeout. did anyone watch meet the press yesterday? how
pathetic was W's showing? he's like one of those stuffed toys where you pull the string on the back
and hear one of four things..."you can't trust a madman, and saddam was a madman"; "he had the ability to make
weapons-related program activities"; "we're in a war against terror"; or "what budget deficit?"
overheard: "i don't have many fat friends" -greg
dinner at new college was great last night. it had been a long time since i had
eaten steak. i think i ground my teeth in my sleep last night, though. lots of intersting articles
in today's new york times. i particularly liked the one about homosexuality among animals. how cute
were those two chinstrap penguins? the article about the continued assassinations of the iraqi
professional class was very sad. the ones about bush were encouraging. i wish i could watch
this meet the press on sunday. russert should eat him alive. today: lots of work. plenty of work.
and then a thai dinner. which should be nice. dumb headache.
overheard: "you are obligated to swallow" -brian, who was in rare form at dinner tuesday
so yeah, 3rd week is almost over. these terms go to fast. i need to turn my examination
registration form in soon. it's weird to turn in titles for papers that i haven't written yet. oh, oxford.
what else is of import today? second day in a row doing some laundry. yesterday was only mildly productive.
i mostly worked on stow. but i started howards end, which was a pleasant read. and it was rhodent
day at la fitness. anna and devi. very nice. dinner last night was awful. tonight i'm going to the new
college guest dinner with kathleen. i'm looking forward to that.
overheard: "progressive policy is the road to socialism and ruin" -poster outside guildhall toilets
where's the month going? i love february because it goes by so darn fast. and because
it's tropical in england right now. my mommy sent me cookies for her birthday. as jack said, 'how catholic
of her.' i spent yesterday at the guildhall library, where it took me 5 hours to transcribe 6 pages of
1598 and 1599 st katharine's constables accounts. but i enjoyed it a lot. and on my way back toward oxford,
i wandered around the City and saw several of the little places i'm studying. and man are they little.
early modern london was little. and crowded as sin. anyway, it's unnerving how easy it is to get manuscripts
at the guildhall library. at the british library, they practically ask for your index finger as collateral.
at the guildhall, though, you don't even have to register. or show identification. crazy. how unbritish.
all, in all, it was a GREAT day. and dr archer invited me to high table at keble next wednesday. i'm quite
overheard: "don't mind me, i'm just playing with myself down there" -charlie
happy st blaise day. i need to go get my throat blessed. think that do that at the cathedral?
i didn't sleep too well last night. i think i was grinding my teeth. oh well. dr archer
gave me a copy of his book last night. which is great, because i can finallly write in it. i had a very
productive monday, i must say. hopefully that won't equate to an unproductive tuesday. we'll see. i
have a meeting with the warden of rho.ho at 11, and i'm planning to go get my railcard after that.
hurrah. later tonight, i'm going to see the room they assigned me for next year. then i can decide
whether to take it. yesterday, i got two fun items in my pidge: the graduate feedback form from chch
and the examination registration form i need to fill out to get my m stud. so yeah. OH. i'm starting
a new section of my website: quotes. i hope y'all enjoy it.
happy birthday, mom!
in honor of my mother's birthday, i decided i'd present a selection of her best
quotes of the day. enjoy!
"oh. that is me! i thought it was a palm tree." 27 dec 2000
overheard: "don't mind me, i'm just playing with myself down there" -charlie
in short, lillian's ball was lovely. and i had a very productive saturday, i could
say. despite not even starting on my work until 3 pm. today looks like it may be quite similar. but
oh well. it's warm again in oxford. and i got to wear my new coat for the first time last night. good
work, m&d. ba was at the gym yesterday. no complaints from me on that account. ummmm. what else?
i'm trying like mad to use my book grant. and i'm getting really excited for my family's visit...in
two months. ok. on to work.