daily |
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today apr 2004 mar 2004 feb 2004 jan 2004 dec 2003 nov 2003 oct 2003 sep 2003 jul 2002 jun 2002 may 2002 apr 2002 mar 2002 feb 2002 jan 2002 dec 2001 nov 2001 oct 2001 sep 2001 aug 2001 jul 2001 jun 2001 may 2001 apr 2001 mar 2001 feb 2001 jan 2001 dec 2000 nov 2000 oct 2000 sep 2000 aug 2000 |
overheard: "secrets make us sick" -old wisdom from uncle neiner is it just me, or did march go much faster than february? i wish the days would slow down, as i have a heck of a lot of work to do (and a heck of a lot of visitors) between now and 27 may. but oh well. yesterday may have been the most productive day of my life. learned a lot about local governmental structures in elizabethan london and found some pretty cool court records. nerd party. in other news: i had a weird dream last night (big surprise, there) with beckward in it (yay!), that involved some sort of basketball tip off competition that was happening in a swimming pool and that used tortilla chips instead of basketballs. don't ask me. i don't even like that sport. FOUR DAYS!!
overheard: "i can't get the laugh up because you make me want to vomit on the floor" -some drunk woman having an argument outside ol' no. 92 last night yesterday: a lot less grumpy, but no update. why? don't know. did a lot of work, though. and plan to do a lot more today. if i could take a shower, anyway. slept well last night. had a scary cowboy dream. i wasn't in it, though. what else? to stoopid tabs fouled us and won the 150th boat race. glad i didn't go. next year we'll win, i tell you. it's monday, which means i'm at the rad cam all day. my parents and bobsforth will be here saturday: YAAAAY!
overheard: "i don't want to fist him or anything" -overheard on london bridge grumpy today. don't ask about it. asking will serve no purpose. mostly just grumpy. and rather than focus on the news of injustice from the home counties, i've decided to entitle today's update 'england: the country that works...sometimes.' remember thursday when my laundry facilities were discovered to have gone missing? well, i asked the porters just now when the new ones will be installed. at least a fortnight, they said. so i asked where the peck/blue boar laundry rooms are, so that i could use them instead. 'no,' she said, 'they're all in the same state.' did i miss an email about the laundry rooms not working for 3 wees of the vac? grr. and it's not like they had to rip the old machines out so soon. they did work. not well, but they worked. and why two weeks? are they reinventing the washing machine. ARGH!
overheard: "i don't know if there will be enough room in overhead storage" -amanda lots to write, but no time. suffice to say that it was great to speak to maria this morning. and i think condi rice/the bush administration is still jerking the american public around. won't testify under oath? wtf? then why bother showing up at all? and what's this talk about her leaving the white house? new york times, where'd that come from?
happy feast of the annunciation/lady day i think it's the anniversary of grampa k-dot's death, as well, but i could be wrong. i'll ask the mama. got lots to do today. last time i'll see my supervisor until may. eep! googlebutric rides again: YAY! more on that later. also, richard clarke, his testimony: amazing. i'm hard pressed to think of an equally calm and eloquent member of the bush administration. he reminded me of good ol' wjc. and my RSS aggregator has just popped up a CNN story: rice forcefully rebuts Clarke testimony. great. she released an email. memo to ms rice: if you're not willing to rebut him under oath over on the hill, quit bothering me with your spin. ok. shower. food. bod. meeting. oh, and why is it that when i finally get around to doing laundry one morning, i find the laundry room completely empty? who stole the washers and driers? a new christ church mystery!
overheard: "it's like having stonehenge in your back yard" -some guy shannon gets like eight million points for the only person to respond to my questions yesterday. she confirmed her liking of the word succulent. big surprise, there. and gave me further evidence of my (relative) failings on the GNUT front. i had the weirdest set of dreams last night. my parents totally remodeled the hosue. it looked good. my cousin austine was going to cambridge, which had been moved to british columbia. it was pretty coool looking. and i had to buy a nalgene for some random japanese woman before glacial melting caused a river surge to drown a guy floating in said river. in other news, the new york times is all over the house. if anyone has a hard copy of that article, let me know. i'd love to see it. in other news, why are some people so unhelpful? and why did i only leave my room stairway twice yesterday? well, the directory is done. that's a good thing. and today i'm all over the bod.
overheard: "we catholics are good in bed" -miguel i have neither profound political comments nor anything really interesting to tell you about yesterday. but i do pose you a question. it is often said that 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.' suppose, for a moment, that the bird-in-hand is a sickly robin while the birds in the bush are succulent boneless, skinless chickens. which do you go for? send your answers here.
overheard: "i think i'm a pretty good catch" -jack a number of points today: greyfriars: great church. kinda a long walk. and what was with the
spastic weather yesterday? the three-and-a-half hour nap was a lovely addition to my afternoon yesterday. and i
finished transcribing the st katherine's constables accounts. which is nice. now i can, um, what is it i do next?
i've noticed that in the absence of a hall-imposed fooding schedule, i don't food myself enough. i miss mac house.
oh. and how weird is it that jack was conceived on the very day that i was born? yeah, pretty weird.
vernal equinox. yay! so do you think there's something about the first week of vac that makes me lazy in hitherto unknown levels? i mean, i can't drag my sorry butt to the gym. i can't update every day. i can't seem to get any reasonable amount of work done. and yeah. no more hall meals. so maybe someday i'll get fed. sadness. yesterday was blustery. and full. but i seem to have fallen asleep too early for my own good.
the 24th anniversary of my conception so i was thinking about sharks the other day, and then i came across an article on CNN about
a tennessee county's attempt to ban homosexuals and to be able to charge them with crimes against nature.
so imagine my glee when i saw they had reversed their position.
ps. it's not 1952 anymore. news spreads like wildfire and the gays are punchy. and you're all a bunch of hicks.
i loved the county attorney's statement: 'i've never seen nothing like this.' goodness gracious, st ignatius.
and the 12 year old girl: so sad. note to parents: quit brainwashing your children into christofascists.
overheard: "it feels good in my pants" -jack not many people can get dumped twice over the course of an afternoon and still have a boyfriend to
show for it at the end of the day. i'll be in trouble for writing that. yesterday was another sunny spring day.
i wore green. well, really, only georgetown grads seemed to be wearing green. i get to cross balliol off my list.
that's exciting. i took JP to cafe zouk for his birthday. jack took me to lunch at edamame. all in all, a good day,
i would say. balliol bar was too smoky for its own good.
happy st irelandish day yesterday was officially the first day that felt like spring. and it was also officially the 4th day in
a row that i did no blessed work. showing thomas's friend around was better than anticipated. i had forgotten
how much i learn by being present to people in recovery. inspirational. that said, the custodians can
be snippy. and dinner last night wasn't so great. and i didn't make it to the gym. but that's life, i suppose.
overheard: "you've gotta look after your arse" -matt what a great couple of days i've had. lots of napping. lots of tea parties. lots of hanging
out with matt and dave and pete. hurrah for chch. test run for my family's visit today. gonna make the rounds of oxford.
it will be lovely. and hopefully transcriptionalising at least 10 pages. but we'll see. i feel like i'm on
holiday. oh. and congrats to dr archer, whose term as proctor ends today. very cool. there are loads of
other things to talk about, but i can't remember any of them right now. so that's that.
overheard: "i don't get what's wrong with women" -brian sorry about the lack of update yesterday. a year ago i was in san diego. danielle: it's
been too long since last we met. i had an MRI yesterday. first proof ever that i really do have a
brain somewhere in my skull. i'll post a picture when they email it to me. in other news, it's less than
three weeks until my parents come to visit me. hurrah. and bob and manda. so much to do before then. let's
go transcribe. but first, the gym.
overheard: "i think i'll play with it" -jack
inprimis. a belated happy birthday to mike
overheard: "see? poop brought us together" -sean
i kid you not that i read a story online today about a woman in memphis who bludgeoned
her boyfriend to death with an iPod. as if that's not sad and freakish enough, in the related news
links, was "get great deals on the new Apple iPod mini. Starting under $250." tell me that's not
last days worthy. i dare you.
overheard: "we may never speak to each other again, but we'll have suntans" -abby
as i was falling asleep last night, someone in a nearby room was playing the guitar
and singing. and i was reminded of JVC orientation in august of 2002, when we all slept out under
the stars and charlie played his guitar for us. it's tough to belief that was 19 months ago! wow.
before i knew all my mac house comrades. what a strange thought. i do miss them.
overheard: "i like the idea of children" -brian
all this paleography is making my spelling go to crap. i slept really well last night. i had a dream
that my parents had bought a few of the rooms at the davenport. and there was some sort of party/reception
that seemed to be in a combination of the country club, chch, the davenport, and a manhattan penthouse. the view
was pretty, in any case. and the door was really old. fascinating. gonna do some work today. possibly a little
stressed about thursday.
overheard: i got nothin today. jeremey said something funny, but i forgot
well, it's now 8th week of hilary term. where is my time at oxford going? the easter holiday will
be nice. visits. work. sleep. lots of transcription. i'm getting antsy about my presentation thursday. at least
the edamame is still good. mmm. 3 more meals. huzzah.
happy 19th birthday, beckers!! rss is wearing me out. but like an oversexed lover, i return to it, hoping for just one
more time around. last night reminded me of shannon's lenten observations last year. which went from "no sweets"
to "no donuts" (which she suddenly found herself wanting to eat) to "no donut-shaped donuts". memories. that's pretty
much how i would like to think of my yesterevening, when i had some wine with mike and jeremy and proceeded to climb
two walls, then onto a roof and through a window to get around waiting in the queue for the bop at balliol. sadly, i
didn't have my wits about me to have a drink there, so balliol still cannot be marked off the list.
overheard: "do you have a twenty p. piece?" -just a story so, really, there are only three things worth mentioning about yesterday. in the first
case is my discovery of rss, which promises to make me even more of a news junkie than i have previously
been...and could possibly make me a blog junkie if i find some good blogs with an rss feed. speaking of which,
i'm working at getting an rss feed for my daily updates. i know you're thrilled. the
second thing i did
yesterday was to watch the chch m2 boat in torpids. (un?)fortunately, they bumped so early that they weren't
racing by the time they made it up near the boathouse. house. the house. too much. i kept thinking people
were yelling at me. the third
important thing about yesterday is my head injury. nothing too serious, though it
does still hurt quite a bit. jack sorta accidentally helped me hit my head on this scary shelf corner that i've
been afraid of since i moved into my room. so, concussed and bleeding, i broke lent and at chicken passanda
and listened to car talk. yeah. apparently the romish church is anti-lenten car talk. who knew? in any case,
the gash on my head is only a centimeter long, and i only bled a little on my pillowcases last night while i was
sleeping. oh, the adventures of my life.
overheard: "maybe i'll get drunk and break up with you tonight" -jack
yeah. someday i'll do work. i hope. life is oh so difficult, you know. congrats to rufus
on making the dean's list. i hope she won her game the other night. all my days blend into one another.
but i do believe that it's a friday in lent. i love the stranger. and i have a crush on that guy who writes
for them...eli sanders. don't tell him. ok. i really have to get transcribing early modern documents. of
face certain doom. joe, talk to me about madrid.
overheard: "i'm getting hammered by the dean" -chris
so the house's 3rd boat didn't get to finish their first round torpids thing yesterday. some
sort of crash. saw brian in cat on a hot tin roof at wadham last night. no. not bottom. wadham. it was
too bad big mama kept cutting him off. and i'm pretty sure the most of those weren't southern accents. but i
enjoyed the experience thoroughly. tennessee williams writes a good hom play. or hom undercurrents, anyhow.
what else? a week until my seminar paper. eep. oh. need to write to sue about dinner next thursday. good
overheard: "i should have guessed it would not work when he showed up with a thumb ring" -joe
it's the first day of torpids. is it free to mail things to the queen here? that's really all
i've got today. um. i had a dream about the protocol of naming people in the front cover of atlantic monthly.
i'll blame lauren for that.
overheard: "I am campaigning for gay rights and world domination (I mean peace)" -charlie
so you know those days that go GREAT? i mean great great great. and you get to talk to your mom
overheard: "they were my man nipples" -goodness knows i had a series of weird dreams last night. one, i remember, involved a monster tree
bent on eating people, but i stayed safe in a nearby house with a woman with a long flowing skirt
not unlike the type my housemate michelle used to wear. in another dream, i was running bloomsday
with allison...a funny thought, to say the least. what else? i wrote a thousand words yesterday. i hope to
do the same today. i got up early and went to the gym today. i did some wash yesterday. my parents are
apparently getting rid of the faithful old nissan. why is beyond me. perhaps it was having troubles in its old
age that i hadn't heard about. in any case, i'm sad to see it go. and i feel like the m&d wouldn't
have boethered to tell me. but bobsforth spilled the beans. hurrah. i continue to scrutinize the american
press daily for news on the gay marriage front. i must admit i'm very excited. one last thing: click
here to see a picture of me surprising mandahouse for her birthday. |