daily |
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today may 2004 apr 2004 mar 2004 feb 2004 jan 2004 dec 2003 nov 2003 oct 2003 sep 2003 jul 2002 jun 2002 may 2002 apr 2002 mar 2002 feb 2002 jan 2002 dec 2001 nov 2001 oct 2001 sep 2001 aug 2001 jul 2001 jun 2001 may 2001 apr 2001 mar 2001 feb 2001 jan 2001 dec 2000 nov 2000 oct 2000 sep 2000 aug 2000 |
overheard: "i think i'd be a really bad actor; i can't put my legs in the air without... i'm pretty much done with that paper. hurrah. becky goes home today. congrats, my sister,
on finishing your first year at university. big bad sophomore now. and coming to visit me in less
than a week. quite exciting. i picked our places on the dinner seating chart. milner hall. closest to
high table. and nowhere near the warden. other than footnote-checking, i think i'll be able to turn
my extended essay in to the clerk of schools this morning. why am i stresed about that. i'm going
to spend the rest of my day in the radcam reading urban planning stuff. take a day off of early modern
history before i spend the weekend transcribing the book of the commissary court of the royal pecualiar
of st katharine's by the tower of london from 1583-4. i know y'all is jealous of my life. heh.
overheard: Q: "how many ADD kids does it take to change a lightbulb?"
A: "wanna ride bikes?" -vittles, via hot tipper amanda
how did it get to be thursday already? i'm going to rhoho to put me and beckers on the
ball dinner seating plan. i know. you're jealous. my tulips are AMAZING. such a neat color. and they drink
water like it's their job. today is pie day. as you may be able to tell, i'm a bit less exasperated
than i was yesterday. we'll see what comes of that. but i could actually finish that essay today.
we'll see. it will requre me to read and rewrite the last paragraph. which i've been particularly successful
at avoiding.
overheard: "he does not have my big" -jack
i'm getting a little exasperated about being unable to ever get hired to do anything
ever. which may be a little extreme, but whatever. congrats to beckers on her two little achievements
overheard: "my mobile doesn't have the word 'punting' in it!" -angry girl on st aldate's yesterday
well i paid (through the nose) for battels and my credit card bill yesterday. serves me right.
you'll be happy to hear the shorts thing worked out pretty well for me yesterday. i heard a rumour that the
masters garden (see 25 april entry) is actually open now. i should invest in a blanket for laying out reading
on the grass. by which i mean falling asleep.
overheard: "i'm getting wandery. i think i'll wash my hands again" -mom, in regent's park
when i left my room this morning, my first thought was that it felt a bit like the
first day of school in spokane in the autumn. a not unpleasant feeling, i assure you. my reminiscing,
however, was shattered when, on my walk down brewer street to the gym, i smelled the lilacs blooming
in pembroke's garden. then it felt more like the last weeks of school in the spring. which was an
even better feeling. but then i remembered not only that i have a dean's collection today (ack),
but that i really do have to spend the morning at the bod. but at least i'm wearing shorts for
the first time this year. huzzah. and no, i haven't even opened RSS once today. surprised? me too.
overheard: "very valley" -joe
although amanda may occasionaly advise diffently (and she's wrong), going on a date with someone
from the valley is NEVER a good idea. even if you both live in dc. the smell just doesn't go away.
i'm kidding. people from the valley don't smell. but that still doesn't make it alright.
overheard: "he's fisting my neck" -suzie i can imagine no oxford afternoon more pleasan than the one i had yesterday. mike and jack
and i had a picnic in the chch master's garden, after which we walked along the thames river path to
the village of iffley, where we had pints of beer (or, in mike's case, half a pint of really expensive pimms).
and sat watching what was (apparently) this exceedingly charming pub's trailer park theme day. i don't think
i'd seen that many pittbulls since, well, spokane. i suppose i should go enjoy another lovely day.
overheard: "i'm playing with it in my pocket" -jack, ages ago
on a somber note, let's take a moment to remember the people of north korea,
where a rail blast
claimed three thousand casualties yesterday. it's too easy to overlook the suffering of people who live
under governments to which we are hostile, but such unnecessary loss of life should sadden all of humanity.
overheard: "don't ever have kids. look what it did to me" -dod, via hot tipper amanda
i can only assume that my father means we are the reason he can't sit on a sofa
for more than 5 minutes without falling asleep. first things first:
this article in today's new york times reminds me one of the reasons i like the uk.
sure, i think the undergrads are a bit whiny about having to pay £3,000 p.a. for higher education,
especially when it's in the form of an interest-free loan from the government that one only has
to repay when one's income hops above a certain level. BUT i do respect that people here get
outraged at the idea of universities becoming bastions for the rich, a concept which is hardly
on america's social radar screen. yes, christ church is posh. whatever. at least there's some
sort of desire to level the playing field for incoming students. but don't even get me started
on the blair government's plans for an access regulator. bad news. you're totally asking for
that awful umbridge woman from the 5th harry potter book to be made flesh and dwell amongst us.
overheard: "i have a little one too, but i think i got it from the sea" -jack
can you believe yesterday was 4/20 and i didn't do a damn thing about it? i can. according to
the christ church flag guide, today is the queen's birthday. so happy birthday, your majesty. got an email back
from dr archer this morning. good advice for my dissertation and good stories about his vacation. otherwise,
i've just been academic tidying today. i need to get my butt back to the gym. grrr. after dinner, perhaps? it's
always so crowded. maybe i'll just get to bed early and start my term-time gym routine tomorrow morning.
oh. i was encouraged by the reports of the oral arguments before the supreme court yesterday. i can't
wait for someone to write a 700 page history book called the personal rule of george the 2nd. charles
lost his head, you know.
overheard: "i think i'm a great catch" -jack
two news items before the rest: first, i'm proud to have gone to georgetown, on
acount of this GULC professor's
op-ed piece in today's nytimes. second, how shameful is it that the times of london's off-lead today
was on david beckham? i mean, yeah, he looks damn hot with that haircut. i'm not saying he doesn't. but
come on, the times: you're not the mirror. we like you just the way you are. the tabloid format seems to have
gone to your head. shame. now on to the important stuff: my cousin steven emailed me to remind me that the
birthday i had in mind yesterday was, in fact, his brother louis. so a belated happy 17th birthday to you,
my cousin. in other news: jack is back in the uk. and aaromi will be here within the hour. which means that
aaron is heading to spain. thanks to mr evans for the two CDs worth of pure joy. er. something.
wonkette was particularly good yesterday. and dinner in hall starts
tonight. not that i'm excited. which i am.
overheard: "he told me from the start he didn't have sex on the first date" -mom
i feel like it's someone's birthday today. any takers? how is it already monday of
0th week. i want -2nd week back. i made of a list of crap to do for the week. had weird dreams last
night that i don't remember very well. ps. none is a singular pronoun. doesn't anyone remember mrs
rowland's 7th grade grammar lessons? perhaps not. beyond all that, i mostly just have to go to
the library. i think they start serving food in hall tomorrow. i hope. i'm humgry. and i don't
want my battels.
overheard: "you want a piece, dad?" -bobs
had a good workout this morning. went to a good dinner at jamal's last night. got a lot
of work done yesterday. all in all, i can't complain about much. i'm a little hungry. how thrilled was i
to see that there's an article on wonkette in today's
new york times? pretty damn thrilled.
best part: i've been reading it since early
february, thinking i was late on the bandwagon. turns out it was only launched in january. for all of you
political junkies not reading it: start. it makes for a good humorous break from endless slate/salon/washpost/nytimes
reading. in other news: how ridiculous is it that americans tolerate crap like this
from our president. it's pretty clear he's either maliciously deceptive or entirely incompetent. and those
are best case scenarios.
overheard: "mistletoe: the semen of the gods" -the stonehenge tour van driver.
yes. guildhall was mildly successful yesterday. busuba was VERY successful. as was cafe orient.
jack, i blame you for not taking me there earlier. in other news, i see JR is wearing shorts today. way
to seize summer. i'm going to spend the day working. i hope. and eating. so hungry. but where was i? oh. yes.
last night is the first time i can remember crying inconsolably in a dream. weird, eh? i was distracted at the
gym today. not by boys. by my guilt for not doing enough work. i'll go to confession today about that. or not.
overheard: "thirty thousand pounds!" -big issue dealer, as reported by hot tipper JR
today is a guildhall library day. and though it's going to sound a tad on the dweeby side, but
i'm really excited. it should push me from the "i guess i could write that chapter" side of the line to "yay!
i can write that chapter!" or something. watched the hours last night. it reminded me of two things.
firstly, that i miss the chch people who have all disappeared since term ended. secondly, that emotions aren't
tidy things. nor are they designed for the well-differentiated compartments into which we try to fit them. and it
may be how we deal with the ganglia flail around that determines our emotional states. just a thought. went
back to o'neill's last night. a bacon cheeseburger and a pint of guiness extra cold for £7? i'm in.
overheard: "honey, i'd like to have a craft that could not possibly poison us" -mom
so, definite highlight of yesterday would be the return of mike
overheard: "that's why japanese girls make good wives" -random chch custodian
i forgot yesterday to say something. can't remember what it was. which, i suppose, would
mean i forgot again. i need to eat more. and go the gym in the mornings. as it stands, the gym isn't gonna
happen today. but i am gonna get some bod time in. hurrah. um. went to sofi de france for lunch yesterday.
i wish edamame were open, though. mmmmm. today? dunno. we'll see. hungry. breakfast.
overheard: "cleavage snake. i'd like to get one of those" -amanda, of course.
what a great week. i think i walked myself (and my family) ragged, but i got to see lots
of cool stuff. and i ate myself silly. that was a most house family week. i wish becky could have been there.
but now i'm back at oxford. and aaron is here. he says hello. but i'm stressed for not having done any work
(or having gone to the gym) for ten days. so i'm gonna run. i'll try to get some photos of the family
visit up soon.
overheard: "we don't have any rocks, sir" -cafe zouk waiter
kurt cobain commited suicide ten years ago today. not only is that sad in it's own right,
but it makes me feel ridiculously old. hurRAH for the parents visit. it's been amazing so far. so much food.
so much fun. and a fair amount of sleep, too! the first day (saturday) we went to G&D's, then around christ
church, we checked the family into their rooms, and then went to mass and dinner. yesterday we went to
blenheim palace and tried to go to edamame, but no dice. italian food, evensong, and brown's for desert.
pictures will be forthcoming. i'm headed to the gym. later.
overheard: "so he means closeted?" -amanda
so yeah, the creepiest article ever in the times yesterday meant that i couldn't get
back to sleep once i'd woken up this morning at 5. so here i sit, anticipating a call from my parents.
yay! so hungry! then maybe showering, tidying up the room and a little work before meeting them at the bus station
and beginning our engladventure. ps. this has been the most productive week of my academic life, which
hopefully will assuage some of the guilt i'll start to feel around tuesday not doing work while
my family are here. oh, and one last thing, this
article is ridiculously stereotypical and offensive. ok. not the article. but the people in it.
overheard: "but she doesn't like me either, so it's fine" -bobsforth
ok, first off, can we talk about how much it screws with my mind to convert regnal dates
into julian dates? it really shouldn't be so tough. but it just messes with me. here. i tshow you:
happy birthday, callie rose! first lesson of april: don't pretend you're fit to make sound decisions when your blood
sugar is low: you're just grumpy. eat something. yesterday was AMAZING. without much effort, the beauty banished
every memory of the horrid winter. spring is here! so on the first truly wonderous day of the year, where do
you think i could be found? yup. in the hist.fac.lib. on the plus side, i sat below an open window and i had
a lovely view of of a hertford college quad. i think i ground my teeth in my sleep. oh. and two more sleeps!