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today jun 2004 may 2004 apr 2004 mar 2004 feb 2004 jan 2004 dec 2003 nov 2003 oct 2003 sep 2003 jul 2002 jun 2002 may 2002 apr 2002 mar 2002 feb 2002 jan 2002 dec 2001 nov 2001 oct 2001 sep 2001 aug 2001 jul 2001 jun 2001 may 2001 apr 2001 mar 2001 feb 2001 jan 2001 dec 2000 nov 2000 oct 2000 sep 2000 aug 2000 |
happy memorial day woke up grumpy with a sore throat today. but i got faust out of the chch library yesterday, so i'm looking forward to reading that today in the sun. since it's a bank holiday, we don't get breakfast, and my gym doesn't open until late. no good. maybe i'm dehydrated. yesterday was very nice. got some work done. had a good workout. ate two brunches. time for water. maybe insight will return in june.
overheard: 'stop talking about georgetown day. it's making me cry. -some annoying jane hoya at the turf no. i wasn't at the turf last night. i promise. i didn't even leave my staircase yesterday. i was not in a happy place. and then i spilled water on my cell phone. so don't try to call me on that thing. surpsingly, though, i'm not in an awful mood. perhaps because i read a lot of the the sunflower yesterday. quotes forthcoming. oh. yeah. i also ate next to nothing yesterday: half an english muffin. so now all i want in life is brunch. but it's 7.30 and brunch don't start until 11. i'd go down to london for dim sum with jack, but, well, i have no phone. and the gym doesn't even open until 9 today. might i actually be forced into doing some schoolwork? say it isn't so!
overheard: 'i don't like to sleep too deeply; it makes me thirsty' -jack note to self: remember last night. and then pass out again. today is the ultimate hangover day. that is all.
overheard: 'it's always nice out this week' -david i'd like to start with a public service announcement. today i realized
that avril livigne
and fiona apple are actually
the same person. i thought y'all should know. which is why you never see them in the same place at the
same time. like al franken and gary bauer. well, that or the world market only has room for
one whiney heroine-chic vocalist at a time.
overheard: 'i would have sex with anyone once' -formal hall. graduates are weird.
i'm exhausted today. i think i've earned a nap. and a day of laying in the sun.
now the sun has to show up. i don't have anything to say, much. glad to have that dissertation done.
kinda excited about the prospect of starting on the next chapter. kinda want to get back
into my news groove. and out of whatever other groove i'm in. grrr. need to go to the gym.
feel like i'm not taking care of myself. ok. enough complaining.
overheard: 'no. because they've got a big penis' -unidentified rhoscho at sue's bday.
sorry about no update yesterday. the whole dissertation thing keeps getting in the way of me being
a happy or functional member of society. but i'm submitting it today, should it please god to let
me do so. i'll lead with two more quotes lifted from wonkette's gossip roundup yesterday. the first is from george washington university's president, at their graduation ceremony:
"If anybody has a mortarboard, you can move your tassels from right to left, right to left, which
is what I hope happened to your politics in the last four years." HA! ok. second one is
darrell hammond on W: "I've never seen someone stop talking in the middle of a sentence because
they're bored."
overheard: 'i always have a pole between my legs' -mike
the first rule of blogging: if you don't have anything insightful to say, just whine
(or, if you're wonkette, just talk about butt sex).
yesterday's post is a good example of this rule in action. not the butt sex rule. today, more of the same.
i recently read somewhere that ABC's the
note is slowly making everything else obsolete. for all i know, the person in question meant everything
else in life, though i suspect they actually meant every other daily news outlet. either way, i must
say i'm inclined to agree. i do have some qualifications, though. first off, they need to get it posted daily
by 3 am ET, with supplements at 9 am, noon, 3 pm and 5 pm. just as important, it needs to be more navigable.
an index linked to body headings would do wonders. (pvt to the note: need an intern this summer?).
if someone can get those two changes made, they'll be well on the way to my developing a full-on the note
fetish, with all the attendant perks that such a fetish entails. ask for the brochure at reception.
overheard: 'i have a list of people to do after finals' -greg today i'd like to address a very serious issue. appreciation for just
how difficult my life is has dropped to unacceptable levels. to remedy this situation, i thought i would
do a quick week in review to demonstrate my need for much greater sympathy from all y'all:
overheard: 'that's feminism for you' -the turf tavern
jack smells like a baby today: kinda good and kinda bad. you know what i mean.
was it just me, or was the ivory tower piece in yesterday's NYT a little incoherent? less incoherent
was brian montopoli's
piece in yesterday's campaign desk. hurrah.
overheard: 'i don't like to think and write. especially at the same time.' -brian i had a dream last night in which i was talking with laura (brandon's laura) on
the roof of my parents' house, next to the balcony. and then i slipped and rolled off the roof,
and landed in africa. just on the north end; like in egypt. and the continent, i must say, looked quite
small...i got to côte d'ivoire in just two big steps. but then i saw a cow laying down that was even bigger
then me. and that put the continent in perspective really quickly. any ideas on what that means?
overheard: 'have you ever tried to tie helium balloons to a woman?' -informal hall. first years are weird.
i almost forgot to update today. i really have to get to the bod. lunch with david
overheard: brandon wrote me this haiku... which essentially summarizes yesterday afternoon. in case you missed it, i was (more or less)
drunk from 1 pm until i passed out at 12.30 am. which no small feat for me. (two beer queer, what?). the
amazingness of oxford in summer is so alluring now, but (alas) i must now revise my dissertation. and apparently
get it bound. crud. but while i'm going to spend the morning at the library, the afternoon may well be spent
lounging and revising in the masters garden. being distracted by the sun and the lovely chch people.
i'm sure there are about a million political rants i would share if i weren't in a fuzzy hangover state.
oh well. there's always tomorrow. oh but here's a link to wonkette's coverage of the gay marriage stuff in mass.
overheard: 'i've been democratically outed.' -tim
yesterday i realized two things that drive me nuts. the first is people no sense of irony or
metaphor...are you really so dense? the other, of course, is the fundamentalist. of whatever stripe. i mentioned
my JV year to an evangelical christian yesterday. her response was to say how great it feels to help the
less fortunate and to recount the amazing moment this easter when five homeless people at her church
accepted christ into their lives...'i mean,' she said, 'how exciting for them, in their situation, to be saved!'
i almost choked on my lunch. predatory religion is, at its core, hypocritical. OH, speaking of bullying
and fait, what the f-k is up with the bishop of colorado springs? one might suppose that catholics, like other members
of a democracy, should be free to vote, according to their conscience, for the cantidate they believe will
do the best job. is there any way to investigate this areshole for interfering with an election? i'd love to
see that. moral coercion: not my thing.
overheard: 'i haven't __cked a kangaroo' -jack
one of the grand problems with the terms at oxford is that you take a nap on an amenable
afternoon in 0th week, and when you wake up, it's monday of 4th week. which means i'm making the rounds of libraries
in the hopes of augmenting my knowledge of church courts, endowment court cases, and burial records. fun stuff,
i tell you. the whole fiasco with powell on meet the press yesterday is ridiculous. but, moving on it's a day of firsts:
first day of work for becky. first day of state-sanctioned gay marriages in the US (no, christian little, the
sky is not falling). first day of my finishing my MSt dissertation. or something. brandon, i swear to god
i'll write you a proper email when this dissertation is done. not only that. i'll write you a properly DRUNK
email, complete with censor-evading quasi-profanity. woot.
overheard: 'it's nicer here than it was in the radio' -lucy
today promises to be the most beautiful day of the year yet. so one might suppose that i
would take the time to go punting. or lay in the master's garden on a blanket, reading a book. but
one would be wrong. instead, i'm going to spend the next 60 hours in the chch law library writing
my MSt dissertation. the problem isn't not having enough research. it may actually be having too
much. or too much for me to synthesize in any sort of eloquent way in sunch a short time frame. but
i'll be trying, anyway. breaks from the library will be allowable for eating, sleeping, showering, and
maybe the gym and evensong. otherwise: no fun. none at all. i'm done with fun.
overheard: 'daddy's gonna be writing you a big cheque' -jack
so, today we'll be featuring fun audio links. the first is from
profiling an album full of donald rumsfeld's
verbal diarrha set to music. and with his god-awful voice replaced by that of a woman. it's pretty funny.
next up is the always popular lions in kenya, which beggars description. finally...well, there was a third
one, but i can't remember it.
happy birthday, allison!! ok, today i thought i'd start with my political ramblings. and then maybe move
on to the fun stuff if i feel like it. first off: i should have posted a link yesterday to wednesday's
long overdue NYT story
debunking the blue state/red state myth. previous articles had left me belieiving that the media had
adopted the george w bush method of discerning the truth: start with an idea or opinion, then only
talk about how right you are. until you're blue in the face. and we're trapped in yet another american
foreign-relations debacle.
overheard: 'if i go down will i get any money?' -jack
no update today. must...go...back...to...the...bod. check back tomorrow. maybe i'll have
some rant or other. no promises. seven. wow.
overheard: 'just learning how to use latex and leather' -charlie
becky left this morning. which was sad. but at leat i'll see her in like 5 weeks. and we
had a great time while she was here. very relaxed. very yummy. now on to my work. so the next few weeks of
updates may be pretty boring. just warning you. i had a dream last night in which i was in a venice/vatican
combo, and there was this statue of mary in one water-filled room that was supposed to be able to tell the future.
so we sort of punted up to it. and out of a hole in the bottom of the statue fell a small figurine of a boar
standing on its hind legs with one arm outstretched. it was standing on a pedastal which said 'antonius domus'.
don't really know what to make of it.
happy 23rd birthday, katie!! cathedrals just elicit that reaction from some people, i guess. no update yesterday
on account of two things. the first: a sunday of napping and watching movies hung over provides very
little fodder for talking about myself (and sundays provide so little political news for me to rant
and rave about). secondly, though, beckers and i went to london for the day. further proof that i make
an awful tourist, really. we did see most of the town on foot. took the tube out to canary wharf for dim
sum. best ever. and best weather ever. which will hopefully be repeated today, so the my sister
and i can spend her last full day here in the master's garden. maybe i'll have something in my pidge
this morning.
overheard: 'if you're jewish or catholic, it doesn't matter if you believe in god' -peter
rhodes ball can only be described as a rousing success. primarily because when i
woke up at 9 am, i was still drunk. so now i think i'm getting hung over. and listening to guster.
becky adds, 'not the dog'. and now she's trying to fall asleep. just when brunch might happen. she's not
very nice. and she kept disappearing last night. that sweet sparkling wine: wow. dangerous. but dinner
was really good. those were good potatoes. but now all i want in life is i a bacon cheeseburger.
i got a lot of work done yesterday. hangover day today. do you want to ride bikes? becky says i have
add. or adhd. i can't recall. i was feeding the aligator. sidewalk's wet. but it's not raining. is
it food time yet? bye.
overheard: 'i can't speak english' -brian
tonight is rhodes ball, so don't be surprised if i don't update tomorrow. hangovers, you know.
i haven't been properly wasted in ages. it sounds like mike/brian/jack/sean/etc managed to do so thursday night,
though. i just found out my friend rob will be blogging for
the american prospect starting this week. how
jealous am i? in any case, now i can, in good conscience, harrass a real blogger to my heart's delight. which
will be nice. yesterday, becky, jack, brian and i tried our hand at punting. i'm happy to say that we failed
spectacularly. swept down the thames toward the sea, we made our way to the west bank, where brian dragged us
upstream until we could make it back to the chch boat house. i blame the high water. ok. back to cspan.
overheard: 'JR, can you tell me how a camera works?' -mike 'no' -JR
i forgot to mention yesterday the surprise interview i had on wednesday. odd, but good, i guees.
still no job offers. becky and i slept forEVER last night. so nice. very much enjoy waking up after enough sleep.
someday i'll go back to the gym. and the library. eek. paper. not gonna freak out while the sister is in town,
overheard: 'ben and i need to start tag-teaming' -gretchen
so today is the national day of prayer. whatever that means. i think y'all should take today
to quietly reflect on the value of having an open and non-sectarian society. and then you should right a letter
to your congresspeople encouraging them to reflect on the same. i didn't update yesterday. mea culpa. i was busy.
and i'm wicked tired today from getting up at 4.30 to pick beckers up at heathrow. but now she's here: huzzah!
now i just have to bake the most dilicious cake in the world. and go to edamame. and take a nap. oh. and write
that dumb MSt thesis.
national aardvark day! old man. i had a dream last night that started off with trying to get into one of the many secret gardens
in college. unsuccessfully, i should add. but to follow up, mike
overheard: 'it controls the vacuum in the vagina.' -tim
i forgot to mention in yesterday's update that saturday evening it smelled and felt suspiciously
like gramma k.'s back yard in the summer. i'd forgotten how much i miss her house. but don't worry, i remember
now. today is very the beauty of the rain-like. i'd like to say that this bank holiday no brakfast
but you get brunch in hall thing is utter crap. there are no bank holidays at oxford. our terms are 8 weeks long,
and i've got crap to do. i'm writing the food rep. ok. i have a lot of work today. no more talky.
overheard: 'i can't tell if she reminds me of the first four weeks of college or the last three months
of college' -collin yesterday was rainy, but good. the geography of nowhere while interesting, strikes me
as being about as out of date as the nine nations of north america, but otherwise much in the same
vein, though perhaps not as well-researched. then again, my knowledge of cultural geography lit is pretty low.
i was appalled to learn that the author of nowhere didn't even cite jane jacobs. who does that?
otherwise, though, i didn't really do much yesterday. birthday brunch for suzie. birthday drinks for suzie.
birthday dinner for suzie. got really drunk on sangria and red wine. suprisingly, i'm not hungover.
no punts today, according to the plodge. but there's always the master's garden.
overheard: 'do you think she's from jersey?' -undie turns out she's from wyoming. but you really couldn't tell. happy may day, by the by.
and a hearty welcome to the ten new (second class) members of the EU. i may have reservations about the
constitutional makeup of the union, but i still think it's a good thing. wait. that's how i feel about
the catholic church too. weird...no. i didn't
get up for the singing thang at magdalen. prehaps next year. the essay is in, which means i can now stress full
time about my MSt dissertation. i suppose that's reason to celebrate. breakfast is, in any case. i did, in fact
spend my afternoon at the rad cam reading some urban design stuff. big plans got big points for
alluding to both brideshead and the motel of the mysteries. the former
reminds me of, well,
the present. the latter reminds me of 3rd grade christmas, when my parents bought me motel
after i heard about it at nerd school. speaking of books! i just figured out that, aaron having been
robbed blind in barcelona last week, i have lost my copy of howard's end. none too happy
about that. the [a.ho] library is from this day forward a strictly reference library |
links: email [a.ho] the note new york times washington post la times the guardian cnn slate fox news drudge talking points electablog campaign desk wonkette gawker gothamist sharp reader syndic8 feedster |