daily |
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today jul 2004 jun 2004 may 2004 apr 2004 mar 2004 feb 2004 jan 2004 dec 2003 nov 2003 oct 2003 sep 2003 jul 2002 jun 2002 may 2002 apr 2002 mar 2002 feb 2002 jan 2002 dec 2001 nov 2001 oct 2001 sep 2001 aug 2001 jul 2001 jun 2001 may 2001 apr 2001 mar 2001 feb 2001 jan 2001 dec 2000 nov 2000 oct 2000 sep 2000 aug 2000 |
overheard: 'i'll have glittery poo tomorrow.' -pete yesterday was another on foot day. went to allison's house. allison wasn't there, of course. she gets back on friday. but i spent a long time with marie, enjoying spokane news and sunning ourselves by the pool. it was a bit too hot for my tastes, but oh well. jack is flying to nepal today: bon voyage! and one last thing before i go get my blood drawn: i had a physical yesterday and according to my EKG my resting heart rate is 49 bpm. which impressed me. who knew i was in shape. or i could just be dead.
overheard: 'he looks like a big monkey. in a good way.' -mike the best news from yesterday, aside from my first burrito in over 4 months, was
the slap-down the supreme court gave the bush administration over the indefinite detention of
"enemy combatants". in one of the decisions, antonin scalia penned the following: 'The very
core of liberty secured by our Anglo-Saxon system of separated powers has been freedom from
indefinite imprisonment at the will of the Executive.' Now, I'm not entirely sure he has his
history right (cf england's lord chancellor), but i most heartily agree with him. and you should
write that down. because i'm not sure it's ever happened before. and it's not likely to happen
again any time soon.
overheard: 'he's cute, but small' -katie the best thing about yesterday was that i got to speak for quite a while on the phone with
three of my favorite people ever: julie, katie, and jack. the worst thing: it was on the phone, and many
of you probably know how much i despise that contraption. had a good workout, though. the spokane club
has the most amazing new barbell thingy (that's the best i can do on describing it, i'm afraid).
overheard: 'golf is really a very protestant game if you play by the rules' -uncle steve yeah yeah yeah. i didn't update for a week. mea culpa. happens the last full week of june
every year, though. so you shouldn't be surprised. i'm nothing if not predictable. i'm back in the states
now. spent 3 days at the beach relaxing, and now i'm back in spokane. it was a bit sad saying goodbye
to england. i have to admit, though, that it's GREAT to be home.
overheard: 'i would rather poop every day and have sex three times per week than the reverse' -jack well, everyohthing that i'm not taking back to the states with me has now vacated my room. i had thought about going to the gym one last time, but i find myself in a grips of a profound laziness. i may, instead, focus on getting myself ready to go, running a few last errands, and generally making a pest of myself about town. there are letters to be written, gifts to purchase, books to return, and teeth to brush, not to mention the daily burden of reading the news. you'll be pleased to know that marianna is going to a) go crazy from taking her malaria pills and b) take over a country with large stocks of gold. and throw a concert there. with go go boys. she promised.
overheard: 'we just found ourselves in the middle of a loser flotilla' -mike, whilst punting so mostly just packing today. not much to say about that. need to write a letter for safer together. need to eat something. break.
overheard: 'you've never put on leather for me' -brian so brian headed back to DC today, the first trinity term casualty. we will all follow in
short succession. it was an interesting evening. i can only say that the porters at pembroke are
ridiculously rude. so we moved to drinks to corpus. which is one more off my list. the corpus gardens
are lovely. but mike and brian are sinners. after corpus, i had some very yummy drinks at love bar. or
baby love. or bar baby. or whatever. the one near college. with dave and matt and meredith and jack and mike.
and that was wonderful. but then i got a stomach ache, which was less wonderful. slept like a log, though,
and now i'm going to spend the afternoon at the bod.
overheard: 'that was quick' -some girl on the stairs at greg's party so i wasn't slacking yesterday. i just had to leave for london wicked early. which still
didn't work out. i got stuck in rush hour traffic and it took more than three hours for me to get from my room to
the guildhall library. painful. once there, i had a very productive day. and then i had lunch at busuba with
brian and anu. so the day was lovely.
overheard: 'you wonder how the british took them over' -jack, re: the ancient maori defensive art of
well, i can't say my viva was a resounding success, but i remain hopeful that i won't be
kicked out of my program. the string of amazing days at oxford seems almost endless, which is hardly good
news for my flagging work ethic. after my viva yesterday, jack bought me sushi lunch. then, after a teeny
bit of work, i went to miranda's
overheard: 'this music makes me horny' -samantha
i took a much needed hangover exemption from the updating yesterday. not really. i wasn't
too hung over from greg's brazilian beach party saturday night (best. fiesta. evah.). becky and kelli's visit
was awesome. we went to a bbq with gretchen on saturday afternoon and then took a small contingent thence to
greg's. i may have gotten really drunk on carlsberg (which can't be good for my karma). jack got some
great pictures from the party. i'll try to steal some of them.
overheard: 'he was, like, 12' -becky. 'but he was pretty cute' -gretchen.
hm. well, i didn't manage to watch the state funeral yesterday. i was impressed by
the drinking
game that the stranger made up for it, though. and wonkette even linked to it. what else? becky
happy 23rd birthday, stephen! is it just me, or does everyone i know have an early june birthday? what is it about september
that makes people have sex? perhaps the cooling weather. in any case, london yesterday was less productive
than i had hoped. the library materials i looked at weren't that useful. on the plus side, though, i did find
out about some new manuscripts i hadn't known about previously. the online finding guides aren't so grand.
lunch, on the other hand was quite nice. and i fell asleep on the bus ride back to oxford. so that
meant i couldn't get to sleep until like 3 last night. not a happy place. saskia's party was great fun.
saw a girl there (alli) whom i hadn't run into since the beginning of the year, but whom i think is super
happy birthday, unca gordy! old man. gotta run to london, so more coming later, but for now i'll just say that it don't
matter if you're french, american, english, or martian: i don't want to discuss your personal
relationship with christ. jesus.
happy birthday, meg! we'll begin with the fun parts of yesterday. i laid in the sun long enough to
get some color. who knew it was possible in england? jack and suzie and mike and i had a picnic
in the garden, and matt and dave and lauren were all there, as well. very nice. i showed mike
the back end of the cathedral, some of which dates from the seventh century. and the little bit
of a tan doesn't hurt, either. later, after a shower (and learning that my viva is scheduled
for 10 monday morning), i was joined by paul
overheard: 'everyone would look fabulous if they had the money' -mike yeah, so i tried to see this transit of venus crap, but no luck. thankfully, i hadn't been waiting my whole
life to see it (unlike that guy on st giles). yesterday, i drank quite a lot of pimms. just about the right
amount, probably, as i didn't have a hangover today. i did, on the other hand, have a red wine stain on my shirt.
yes, i'm an idiot. working on getting it out, speaking of which, i had a great workout this morning, after
a mediocre night's sleep. so this morning is all about writing letters and sitting in the library.
overheard: 'well, it is farther from london than my country house' -james yesterday was perhaps the most quintessentially oxford day i've had. began with a trip to the
gym. ok. that's not so oxford. but then brunch in hall was followed by a shower and a leisurely stroll to
jericho for lunch in a cute little restaurant with jack and his family. no. that wasn't scary at all. they were
all wearing white shirts. no one sent me the memo, though. so i wasn't. maybe i should invest in some linen.
after lunch, a walk down the meadows and an hour or so of punting. my skills are improving rapidly.
unlike the time when i went with becky, this jaunt didn't involve any efforts to drift into the north sea.
after the punting, i took a shower, changed my outfit for the 8th time, and went to tea at jack's flat. everyone
was there. got some caramel shortbread. and some carrot cake. and some squash. and then there was dinner
at aziz. mmmm. such good indian food.
overheard: 'i am a chick with a dick' -tim
well, president reagan died yesterday. which is sad. i hope the last years of his life (and his
death) raised general awareness of alzheimer's and that his widow will be able to moderate the GOP's
antipathy toward stem cell research. i would that we were mourning the demise of republican fiscal irresponsibility,
part of mr reagan's legacy to our nation. no such luck. but i remain thankful for his service to the US and the
world in the last years of the cold war.
happy birthday, mikey! how is it saturday of 6th week already? i want my trinity term back. only without the dissertation.
congrats to seb, suzie and tim, who finished finals yesterday. and to greg, who finishes today. quite exciting.
went to the new noodle bar at gloucester green for dinner last night. good. inexpensive. very hot. but, on the
advice side: it's generally a good idea to wait for the paint to dry before opening the restaurant to the public.
other than that, bang-up job. i've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off today. black tie
dinner tonight. i'll take some pictures. maybe even put them up sometime. oxford is lovely in the summer.
overheard: 'ketchup is good for the prostate' -jack
first up today: the wedding invitation i received from my friend christine in spokane. sent
29 may (last saturday); arrived 3 june (5 days later); posted with a 37¢ stamp. now, i know tony blair has
been accused of being bush's lap-dog, but i didn't know england had been annexed as our 51st state. wait.
canada is the 51st (as we learned from jeremy's attempt to get his 90 day visa renewed after a trip to
canada last week). that makes england the 52nd. check. as my friend JR quipped, 'devolution is all
the rage here lately.'
hearsay: 'oh. no, i've been to france' -matt, i was at the gym this morning (i know: it's been a while), and i heard a dance mix of tracy
chapman's song 'fast car', which i would have believed the least likely song to ever be dance-mixed. who knew.
it was chch hom day at la fitness this morning. no surprise, really. in yesterday's news: all negative. jack's
play was wonderful. emily makes a great overbearing dowager empress, let me tell you. my throat is slowly but
surely getting better. today: library, pie day, library, archer meeting, dinner, graduate drinks (but not drinking
and not staying for all too long. maybe buying some sudafed. that is all. to the bod!
overheard: 'ugly people make me want to kiss you' -monday night drinks well well well. my throat hurts. that's the main story of the day. i'm returning to the
land of libraries and note-taking. with little breaks at mid-day. and a break at 5 pm to go see jack's play.
yesterday i went to a new college
exchange dinner. always nice to see my old friend kathleen (hurrah for her being here next year!). and
meet some cool new kids. i really enjoy the new college MCR. the group of people, i mean. not the room itself.
what else from yesterday? i didn't get to see jeremy, sadly. i went to bed early in an effort to cure my
throat. which didn't quite work.
overheard: 'some people are so particular about what they put up their noses' -post club drinks i think i had 3 days in one yesterday. it was a bank holiday, so i got some work in before
the gym at 9 and brunch at 11.30. then went to the new harry potter movie. which was grood. i mean
great; great and good. then a few distractions, followed by tea with matt |
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