daily |
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today aug 2004 jul 2004 jun 2004 may 2004 apr 2004 mar 2004 feb 2004 jan 2004 dec 2003 nov 2003 oct 2003 sep 2003 jul 2002 jun 2002 may 2002 apr 2002 mar 2002 feb 2002 jan 2002 dec 2001 nov 2001 oct 2001 sep 2001 aug 2001 jul 2001 jun 2001 may 2001 apr 2001 mar 2001 feb 2001 jan 2001 dec 2000 nov 2000 oct 2000 sep 2000 aug 2000 |
overheard: 'the plot sickens' -dod so the IRS keeps trying to be mean to me, but i think i've figured out what they're up to.
i realized i have a huge gap in my historiography; i really know very little about the alien population
in 16th and 17th century london. so i spent a lot of time yesterday making kissy noises to the
rhs bibliography
in hopes that it would help me. i had minor luck. and now i'm afraid of showing up at the library of
congress without my reader card...i haven't been there in almost 3 years. i hope they don't yell at me, though.
we'll see.
overheard: 'can i just swallow?' -gay bar i'm grumpy today. so no update. but if i were updating, i'd mention how great it was to talk to brandon yesterday, how much it sucks that he has to move to arkansas for work, and how glad i am to be getting back to my research soon.
overheard: 'i've got to keep my mouth busy' -katie wow. what a weekend. expensive, yes, but GREAT fun. as always, mac house was easy.
overheard: 'dad's an amateur gynecologist' -mandahouse i don't even have an excuse for not updating yesterday. all i did was watch the a&e/bbc pride and prejudice. twice. well, one and half times. went to the gym. hmmm. it really was a boring day. as was monday, which i spent wholly at the gonzaga u library doing (or pretending to do) work. today looks to be not all that much more exciting. tomorrow, however, i'm leaving for chicago. so don't expect an update until a week today, when i'll regale you with stories of the insanity of the jvc portland mac hour reunion. it will be ridiculously fun, i think.
overheard: 'go back into the other room at your own risk' -bartender last night (warning: this is really just the text of a drunk email i sent last night) best. night.
evah: i had an amazing night. My mom made teriyaki chicken and fried rice.
It was absurdly good. Katie and I decided we needed to have an adventure...because we've gotten old and
only ever spend our evenings watching movies, hanging out at allison's, or drinking at the blue spark.
So we resolved to do something else.
overheard: 'dance, my man. dance!' -gay bar i haven't had any unpleasant reactions to the article. yet. we'll see. this is
spokane after all. it got forwarded to the gay rhodes scholar listserv yesterday. a couple of them
mentioned that they did something similar when reagan was in office (eek: that didn't work out so weel),
and that the warden wrote the 'ring leaders' a not-so-nice letter. oh well. our warden is leaving
soon. in today's news, you can find a story about my friend rob brewster. very nice.
overheard: 'full hook ups in the woods' -sign at silverwood so the article finally ran today. please note the ridiculous photo. taken
by the adorable photographer. whom i think katie should kiss. yeah yeah. i don't know him.
but i do know katie. and i think she should kiss him.
overheard: 'her boyfriend's mother can be a bit...much.' -aunt mary beth well, still no s-r article today, which is a little disappointing. we'll see. it's
not really super time-sensitive, so whatevs. to follow up on embarrassing things about
the FMA, here's a great picture from wonkette that hits the nail pretty squarely on the head. it's hilarious
to me that straight people get all worked up about gay people want to enjoy the benefits that the straights
get in forming stable relationships. are they worried that such a phenomenon may, 20 years down the road,
debunk some of their more specious claims about our flawed characters? who knows. but a constitutional
amendment backing same sex marriage seems like a great way to turn every successful queer person into
a permanent expat.
overheard: 'welcome to fox news: your voice for evil' -the simpsons days like yesterday remind me of all the good and bad things that melt together to make
spokane. from anonymous, homophobic letters to evenings full of conversation and somosas with old friends.
breakfast for dinner and ridiculously cute photojournalists to everyone getting their fifteen minutes
of shame. really, like always, i got almost nothing done. went to the gym early, and then had
an interview for an article in the spokesman-review. then lunch at allison's with katie and marie and
an afternoon at home having the best game of scrabble of my life.
overheard: 'i told amanda to have the sex talk with her' -mom
happy bastille day edition. or: hurrah for all the people i love. in the past day,
jack, brandon and julie have all called me. i got to see katie, and talk to allison on the phone. how
much better can it get? sorry about the late update today. i had an interview with a reporter from
the spokesman earlier. and then lunch with marie and katie. already been to the gym. and watched
the more reasonable senators capsize the religious right's awful marriage amendment. hurrah. ok.
gotta run. photographer's here, you know. i'll post a link later. mwah!
overheard: 'finally someone had thought to combine punk rock with cardigans' -vh1
yesterday wasn't technically a hangover day. i really just didn't sleep a wink at all
on sunday night, and so i was not up for trying to coherent. while tipsy sunday night, i realised
just how much i miss jack and how much i wanted to be sharing my evening with him. yes, i know: vomit.
but i really don't mind having those little lapses of romanticism. at least when they're
overheard: 'everyone has to poop' -jack
well, i didn't miss jack's call last night. so that was good. but when he called, the
caller ID said it was from sun valley. how weird is that? i mean, who goes to sun valley in the summer?
that's not a rhetorical question. i actually would like to know. other good news to communicate today
includes katie's earlier-than-anticipated return to the 'kane on tuesday. really, my only
real achievement yesterday was laying in the sun for a whole hour. this may not, a prima facie,
seem like much of an achievement. but you must understand that most of the time i simply do
not have the patience to sit still for an hour of anything. i miss oxford.
overheard: 'are you having sex with hiim?' -girl #a. 'he's not here now' -girl #b. i went drinkin with amanda last night at the elk, which meant i missed jack's calling me from
nepal. so that was sad. and then i didn't sleep well, so that was no good. either. still, the fence is
up now and the sun is coming out and my dad bought me middlemarch yesterday at auntie's. so i may
start reading that. best news ever: katie comes home on TUESDAY. yaaaaaaay. ok. break.
overheard: 'don't believe him when he says he won't come in your mouth' -you don't even want to know survived until friday. dinner last night was AMAZING. my godparents came over, along with
the aunt i lived with in seattle during high school and my grandmother. and we had very good
flank steak. and i got to hear all about the ridiculousness of my family. never have i been
given so much direction in going to the store to by baking powder. i ought to have made a list.
can you believe that someone had already rented the copy of 8 femmes from my local
blockbuster video? i know!
overheard: 'these people don't want champagne on their cars' -proctor
i had a chest xray yesterday after lunch. and then i had coffee with aaron and his
friend cam from australia. that was nice. had a good workout. watched the big chill and got
to sleep around 11. not a bad day. today, i'm heading to the library to get stuff done.
overheard: 'whenever i do karate at work...' -blue spark
ok. yesterday was pretty boring. bought some yarn. got a haircut. helped allison
leave town. a good dinner complemented by newcastle brown ale at heroes and legends. that's really
about it. i saw laurie the nosky, which was nice. ummmm. break.
happy birthday, james! i had a weird dream last night in which spokane and london melded into some weird
combicity. i'd call it a good dream, except the part that had been combined was primarily the homeless
population. so it was a bit depressing in that inspirational JVC sort of way.
overheard: 'i've never been on the bottom' -jeff i apologize for having neglected to write an update yesterday. i hope everyone had a safe and
happy independence day. i went to the best-ever party at the featherstones' lake place. allison and john and
james were there. as were callie and charles and charles's super-fun younger sister and various and sundry
other people. including what i'm convinced was an adorably cute gay couple
overheard: 'it would be tough to be sane and have sex with one' -chch sports ground bbq
what happened yesterday? i'll be darned if i can remember. OH! i waited around for the
cable guy. i had lunch with my grandmother at the wall street diner (mmmm). i ran some errands. i went to the
gym. i saw my godmother. i talked to jeremy on the phone. i ate some dinner. i read some ulysses and i went to pick up
allison at the airport. great day. kinda boring to read about though: apologies. i'll try to do
something noteworthy soon.
overheard: 'it's not a toilet; it's art' -ruskin
so lots of good news today: first, i got to talk to aaron. which is always nice. also,
i'm going to lunch with my grandma. last but not least: i got my exam results from my supervisor yesterday.
not only did i pass my masters' examinations: i was awarded a distinction. hurrah! definitely a pleasant
overheard: 'she doesn't need a seatbelt. she's my fourth child, not my first' -marie i finished the dharma bums yesterday. quotes forthcoming. great book, though.
i'm thinking (gasp) of trying to crack open ulysses next. last night, probably on account of
the kerouac, i felt a swelling of love for all creation. quite a nice feeling. not entirely unlike
being full. which i also like. |
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