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today feb 2005 jan 2005 dec 2004 nov 2004 oct 2004 sep 2004 aug 2004 jul 2004 jun 2004 may 2004 apr 2004 mar 2004 feb 2004 jan 2004 dec 2003 nov 2003 oct 2003 sep 2003 jul 2002 jun 2002 may 2002 apr 2002 mar 2002 feb 2002 jan 2002 dec 2001 nov 2001 oct 2001 sep 2001 aug 2001 jul 2001 jun 2001 may 2001 apr 2001 mar 2001 feb 2001 jan 2001 dec 2000 nov 2000 oct 2000 sep 2000 aug 2000 |
overheard: 'i really want to slap someone with a wet fish' -pete well, that's that. january came in with nary a yell, and it departs in much the
same way. the month, you will have noted, was dominated by my boringness. february, short
though it is, promises to be much better. then again, it will be largely sober: i've decided to
forego alchohol for lent, which starts a week wednesday.
overheard: 'i like the smell' -jack so anyway, i just realised that i've now seen every episode of sex and the city. which
is nice and all, but what can i do now when i want to be distracted from my thesis? perhaps the west wing?
i do enjoy that show. today is the last day of the blackfriars chapter for a bit. i'm giong to write all day
and all night, and hopefully have something to submit to dr archer tomorrow that won't make him think
i'm still in the 3rd grade.
HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY, BO!! so the dinner party last night was fun. more fun than little britain. jack's targine turned out AMAZING. but now i have to go help him clean up. eek. and then i'm going to spend the rest of the day doing work. boring. it would be a lot more fun to be home and helping robert ring in his majority. with a trip to state line. and gambling. and watching him get married. kids these days just grow up so fast.
overheard: 'i think policemen are sexy...without their hats' -seb a people better say some funny stuff at dinner tonight, that's all i have to say.
last night i discovered a co-seattle prep alum/fjv
overheard: 'is that drag queen in hajib?' -jack
why do i feel like something important happens today? is it someone's birthday?
have i forgotten another birthday? eek. email and yell at me if it's yours. thanks. i went to the
gym early today, and now i'm back in my pajamas and sitting down to write. all day. because that's
what i do.
overheard: 'what is your package like?' -seb f last night on the johnny carson (rip) show, jay leno was filling in, and as guests
he had paris hilton and ani difranco. strange bedfellows, no? i'm finally feeling the groove on
this blackfriars chapter, and i must thank the gods of music videos for bringing me both an
usher video with dance fighting and a video fully acted out with ducklings and kittens today during
my workout. let's get to the bod.
overheard: 'he is octaroon' -iffley road i gave in and had dim sum yesterday. and all was right with the world. now i just have to do
tons and tons of wrtiting and note taking all week and i'll only be like 3 months behand of where i should be.
god willing. i wish i had something brilliant and insightful to mention, but alas i'm trapped in a world
of sixteenth century land transactions. ack.
overheard: 'you're going to have to drink more.' -mom, to jack
nando's for dinner last night. much better than the last time i ate there. and got awful
indigestion. but last night it was good. and then i had a quiet evening at home. it's awfully cold today,
and sunny. i have been invited for a mid-afternoon dim sum in london. i'm tempted to go, but i'm also
tempted to stay here and get some work done. don't know yet. must decide. darn.
overheard: 'abs are made in the gym and revealed in the kitchen.' -brandon's butter-eating musings.
is butter a carb?
overheard: 'thing doesn't look natural' -strong bad
so, theoretically, i should have that little chapter on blackfriars done by now. alas, i do not.
it just won't die. grrrrr. mighty aggravated about this. with myself.
overheard: 'that was quite erotic' -seb
let me tell you: the people at the university gym are not very cute. and the gym is real little.
but i went again this morning. i'm meeting with dr archer wednesday, so i may not update between now and when i finish
this chapter. forgive me. filming for that documentary today and tomorrow, as well, and meeting lillian
for tea on tuesday: hurrah.
overheard: 'maybe you were just oversexed' -pete
i'm amazed at the offhanded way in which the new york times can address some issues:
'The six primary instruments are to measure temperatures, pressures and the composition of the nitrogen-rich
atmosphere, with its complex hydrocarbon chemistry, which appears to some scientists to be "prebiotic." But
actual life is unlikely to be found on Titan, whose temperature is 292 degrees below zero Fahrenheit.' but
still, one must admit it would be pretty darn funny if they did find life there. or the remains of life.
real funny. ha ha ha.
overheard: 'i can go to the bathroom in peace now' -beckers
ok. short update. have to do some work. i slept well last night...until 4 am, after
which i slept not at all. went and worked out, then had breakfast. now i have a lot of writing
to do, since i didn't do any yesterday. argh.
overheard: 'i got poked by two random boys last night' -amanda, of course. but facebooking.
i think it's thursday. honestly, i couldn't tell you. i just woke up from a
healthy twelve hours' sleep. i know. i can't remember the last time i slept that long. wait. maybe
i can. i used to try to take naps on friday afternoons my senior year at georgetown, and then i'd
wake up saturday morning. but never at noon. so whoops.
overheard: 'he's a good choice' -dod
i must again beg your forgiveness for my lack of updating. but really, in the long run it
only hurts me, since i will be unable to remember anything i did over christmas vacation. what did i do,
you might be wondering? well, i got through about 5,000 pages of manuscripts on microfilm. i wrote (as
of 13.56 MST) about 2,000 words, and i got drunk 1 (one) time. i also ate too much, got kinda chubby,
and enjoyed the company of my family. now i'm trapped in the denver airport for eight hours. do you know
how tough it is to find a power outlet near a chair on the ticketing side of security. damn tough.
overheard: i got nothin
yeah. i've been bad about updating. i blame jack, really. i just get too distracted.
plus, i've been trying to think of enough things to keep him entertained in spokane. which is easier
than one might suppose. he seems to be getting on well with the family. he's currently skiing schweitzer
with my uncle steve. i'm sitting in a coffee shop in the ski village pretending to work on my
dissertation. which is slow. but satisfying. i don't want to leave home next week. boo.
though i am excited to do more work this term than i did in michaelmas. it would be tough to do
less, i guess.
overheard: 'if you push the air in too fast, the patient moans' -allison
well, last night was a very quiet new year's eve celebration. a little
too quiet, perhaps. i have to go feed the ducks now. and maybe watch west side
story. happy new year to all: may the coming months bring you all peace and happiness.
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