daily |
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today mar 2005 feb 2005 jan 2005 dec 2004 nov 2004 oct 2004 sep 2004 aug 2004 jul 2004 jun 2004 may 2004 apr 2004 mar 2004 feb 2004 jan 2004 dec 2003 nov 2003 oct 2003 sep 2003 jul 2002 jun 2002 may 2002 apr 2002 mar 2002 feb 2002 jan 2002 dec 2001 nov 2001 oct 2001 sep 2001 aug 2001 jul 2001 jun 2001 may 2001 apr 2001 mar 2001 feb 2001 jan 2001 dec 2000 nov 2000 oct 2000 sep 2000 aug 2000 |
overheard: 'i think interesting adjectives is the key to sounding intelligent' -carfax yes. absolutely. or subject-verb agreement.
overheard: 'even i wouldn't fit in those and i don't have a knob' -lara sorry about no update yesterday. i spent the whole day in london doing research, mostly at LPL,
but also a little bit at IHR. i had intended to update when i got home, but i was so exhausted that i barely got
my clothes off before i passed out. i've had crazy dreams the past couple nights. thursday's included
a snake in my grandma's house trying to eat guster (we got away), a wolf trying to get into liddell, and
AMAZING (but difficult to access) villas perchest in the cliff near my house in spo. it's all the fault of the
amazing thai feast jack made me thursday night. last night, i dreamt that i was at a coffee shop in bath, but
bath was in italy. and then tons of people from my first high school showed up. and it was just sorta the park inn.
but not smoky.
overheard: 'i am older now; i know the rise and graduate fall of a daily victory, and i still write
to my senators, saying they should legalize cannabis. and i should know, cause i'm a horticulturist. i have
a husband and two children out in lexinton, mass. and my ex-boyfriend can't tell me i've sold out because
he's in a cult, and he's not allowed to talk to me.' -dar williams
nothing too exciting to report from yesterday. someone keeps the bodleian way too hot. it continues
to snow, in opposition to all that is good an natural in britain. i had a productive day yesterday, and i
got to read a whole lot of my new favourite book (the british constitution in the twentieth century).
plus: no company decided not to hire me yesterday. that's always nice.
overheard: 'i got my penis stuck in my zip' -P.J. today is michael jordan's birthday. that's a random factoid from my childhood. other
random factoids about childhood were shared with jennifer
overheard: i got nothing today
la la la. la la la. i've been awake for over an hour now, and it's not 7 am yet. i
just couldn't sleep after about 5.30. which is unfortunate, because i know that at about 3 this
afternoon i'll be extra sleepy. but at least this way i'll drag my butt to the gym this morning,
which was by no means a sure thing. it did, in fact, snow yesterday. but no sleet. yet.
happy birthday, brandon! old man. had a lovely day yesterday in the cotswolds. i'll try to get pictures from that (and
unity dinner) up soon. also, just for future referrence: hot.
the weather looks awful this week: mixed rain and snow showers predicted through friday. i may just
stay in my flat. please bring food. but for now, i have go write brandon a happy birthday email, take
a shower, and make my way to college/the post office/the library.
overheard: 'my toots are stinky' -5:1 so, i'm definitely INTJ,
i just forget that sometimes. but i definitely am. along with only 2.1% of the populations, apparently.
my lips are unacceptably chapped today. brian stopped by
for talking and tea (well, not really tea) yesterday afternoon. no one ever visits me in liddell, so
that was quite nice. i also did a ton ton ton of work. for a saturday, anyhow. i'm hungry now.
gonna take a shower.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEZ! not much to say about yesterday. did a little shopping. managed to (accidentally)
avoid eating meat. nearly starved to death. those two are unrelated. dinner was really yummy. the
rest of the day was sort of crap. but today it's sunny and beautiful and i'm going to try to trick jack into
going for a drive in the cotswolds after lunch.
overheard: 'there was not a little gift in my crack' -harry, but you hear what you want to hear
today, a special, one time only chronicle of things i smelled yesterday: first things
first; breakfast brought the smell of crumpets cooking, espeically since jack likes his pretty darn close
to burned. after breakfast, i headed out for the library, but as i left jack's flat, it smelled like incense,
and not just random incese: catholic church incense. that was very odd. the bodleian smelled like old books
and damp. lunch smelled like bacon and lentils. the walk to dinner smelled like chanel pour monsieur, which
is pleasant enough, and the walk home after the GCR meeting smelled like a wood fire, which reminded me of camp
overheard: 'Thursday night scouting reports will be passed out early Friday. In the meantime
study your playbooks and be on the lookout for a good tight end.' -triangle resident's IM profile
i've discovered that the left side of my body is dominant. not a big surprise there, being
left handed. but in the shower today i discovered that it also dislikes the right side of my body.
not only does the left food always take the better sock of a pair, but today it got a lot more of the hot
water than the right side did, and it took the warm end of the towel when i left the shower.
overheard: 'you promised me gay sex' -seb i've been awful about updating. but mostly becuase i've been a conscientious grad student,
spending monday at the institute of historical research in bloomsbury and yesterday in kew at the public
record office. so there. the interview i had last week (which i though had gone horribly) did indeed go
horribly. i therefore do not advance to the next round of interviews and consequently freak out that
i'm going to be unemployed forever. or something. sad face. on the plus side, i did get some feedback.
and it was my first job interview ever. so i have plenty to learn from here on out. still, it
sorta put a damper on my tuesday. here's hoping wednesday is much better.
happy birthday, bekah! apologies for not updating yesterday. last week was really all about running around nonstop.
let's hope it got me somewhere, though i'm not holding my breath.
overheard: 'am i a woman or a man?' -simon
ash wednesday went off without a hitch. the pancake party at rhodes house on tuesday night
was tons of fun. and tons of drunk. gretchen and i conversed with the warden over a bud. and then we lost
the pancake race with astounding grace and poise. yesterday, slightly hung over, i had the dreaded first job interview (ever).
it wasn't pretty. on the plus side: i didn't cry. at least not during the interview. these case study
things aren't actually that tricky, i just need more practice at thinking out loud. at least
my maths skills got to shine, eh? and my proofreading skills (do they give jobs for things like that?). i
won't be holding my breath for an invitation to return for the 2nd round of interviews. sad day.
dinner last night was good, but featured far too much goat cheese. it gave me a wicked stomach ache, so
i went to bed early.
fat tuesday so. fat tuesday. busy tuesday, too. i'm going to spend about 4 hours at the library this
morning before i go to a luncheon at college. then maybe some preparation for my interview and/or
doing a favour for someone in my core seminar at the chch library. and then early dinner in hall
and a mardi gras party at rhodes house. tomorrow no update on account of trying to get to london
as early as possible for my interview. cross your fingers for me, okay? the interview
runs from noon to 14.30 GMT. for now, i'm off to find something to put in my belly.
overheard: 'we're getting in touch with our minority sexualities tonight' -seb
just in case anyone was wondering: it's foruth week. it might as well be
july, really. except then everyone will be done with finals (dv). what did i do yesterday, you ask?
i went to london for lunch at jack's house, then to meet the fockers with his family. then
tea. then back here for more tea, a light dinner and bed. you see, my days are busy and exhausting.
and then i slept for 8 hours. i thought the film was good. i actually enjoyed it better than
the first one. i didn't cringe quite as much.
overheard: 'if you die when you're 60, i'll kill you' -jack
today is waitangi day. you'll remember it as a commemoration of the day the
british empire agreed to acknowledge the land rights of the maori tribes in new zealand. no
terra nullius there. anyway. dinner last night was pleasant, and afterwards i watched most of the
mission, which i've wanted to see for ages. it was quite good. i'm looking forward to seeing
the rest of it soon. i finished my notes on the kirks' returns of aliens in the metropolis
yesterday afternoon, which is mighty satisfying. now on to the acts of the privy council, perhaps? or
the state papers domestic? i haven't done much with the repertories of the court of aldermen
recently, but i'm not going to worry about that just now. more worried about my two job
interviews this week.
overheard: 'i don't think he has any idea' -clearly gay man about his conservative friend
so there's a chance that julie, shannon and i will all be in san francisco for the summer.
don't tell me that wouldn't be the best thing ever. cuz it definitely would be. exchange dinner at corpus
yesterday was good. the food wasn't amazing, but it was a notch higher than normal hall food. (maybe 6 out
of 10 instead of 4). jennifer
overheard: 'i think i'll start working at 30. i want to enjoy my 20s' -mike
last night, fully through my own fault, i found myself mighty grumpy. thanks
to everyone who had to put up with me in that state. and to jack in particular. my little
all-day trip to the physiology lab wasn't awful. my right forearm is still a little sore from where i
had an IV thing in all day. i'm hungry and i have no food, so i'm gonna go take jack out to breakfast
now. might be going to a 16th century ecclesiastical music concert at new college tonight: hurrah!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mom and sean! yes. yesterday was crazy. 4 libraries. 7 buses. 13 hours. and tons of work.
the staff at lambeth palace library are really the nicest librarians i've ever met. by far. that was a joy.
i was thwarted again by the barbican, but it turned out the book i needed there was at the institute
of historical research library...on open shelves(!!). plus i had lunch at
busuba. tea with jack's mum and a quorn dinner
back in oxford were followed by tea with matt (back from paris for a week) and dave, which rounded out the
evening. with half of my day gone, i've already spent more than a little time in the bod, and had lunch
with mike and brian (back from london for a couple days).
congrats to stephen and jen on their engagement!! |
links: email [a.ho] brian - gtown drew - gtown brandon - gtown mr mcgee - london joe - spo the note new york times washington post la times the guardian cnn slate fox news drudge talking points electablog campaign desk wonkette gawker gothamist sharp reader syndic8 feedster |