daily |
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today nov 2004 oct 2004 sep 2004 aug 2004 jul 2004 jun 2004 may 2004 apr 2004 mar 2004 feb 2004 jan 2004 dec 2003 nov 2003 oct 2003 sep 2003 jul 2002 jun 2002 may 2002 apr 2002 mar 2002 feb 2002 jan 2002 dec 2001 nov 2001 oct 2001 sep 2001 aug 2001 jul 2001 jun 2001 may 2001 apr 2001 mar 2001 feb 2001 jan 2001 dec 2000 nov 2000 oct 2000 sep 2000 aug 2000 |
overheard: 'where's the vagina in your relationship?' -seb green river flows
overheard: 'can we please change the subject?' -henry alright, so yesterday was just wonderful. got quite a lot of work done at the library
in the morning, then did a little shopping at m&s. just the essentials, you know: wine, juice, crumpets,
butter and raspberry jam. oh. and spinach. then went home and ate lunch and did nothing for
a bit, until i went to the far-away sainsbury's with jack and henry. let me tell you: it's amazing.
clean. less expensive. HUGE. it was like a little slice of america. except they had this really
neat bread-slicing machine that jack and i proved incapable of using. whoops. i took my favourite
salad to a dinner party at charley and willis's house. didn't even burn the almonds when candying them.
jack took fried rice. i flatter myself that they were the two best dishes at the party. after eating
(it was good to see brian and charley and jennifer, whom i miss running into on a daily basis), we
had a leisurely walk home. a very nice evening. practically ideal.
overheard: 'some of my bits were too big. others were too small' -stu ok. quick interesting news rundown, then i'll maybe do a little update.
news in the seattle pi about the monorail recall. cutest. photos. ever. in this article from
the nyt about st bernards. kinda sad that the monks are getting rid of them, though.
maybe my parents want one? guster
would love it. depressing editorial,
also in the nyt, about state bans on same sex marriage. and, finally, more of the wankers in
the gop and their democracy-undermining
efforts to challenge the voting rights of thousands of black people in swing states. this
legalisation of the elections has to stop somewhere. it really does.
overheard: 'what are you looking for?!' -angry jack, 6.30 am
yes. so yesterday i discovered that an 11 minute phone call to my mom cost me £2.10. so i may
be looking for cheaper ways of getting in touch. like flying home. which, incidentally, i will be doing
six weeks from today. i got a confirmation of my denver hotel reservation in email yesterday. mom: i'm
guessing that's your doing. but that is neither here nor there.
overheard: 'i think the thing that sets bain apart is the man with his legs spread' -consulting recruiter
voted yesterday. for a republican! ok. just one republican, out of maybe a dozen partisan
offices on the ballot. but, see, i'm a crossover voter. but i'm unwilling to put a republican in the white
house. or in charge of my state's public lands. he's brobably invent a button that makes it snow at the
beach. i called my mom yesterday and distracted her from her work. that was nice. for her, too, i'm sure.
overheard: 'if you go through the back door, it's fine' -pablo
no. not two days of hangover. i went to london with jack to stay at his parents'
house, eat dim sum, play with max and read tons of wills at the guildhall. which was satisfying
but slower-going than i had hoped. and it took over half an hour to get from st paul's to
marble arch, where i just barely missed the oxford bus and had to wait around in the cold cold cold.
it's amazing how much two nights away from oxford feels like a vacation. not least
because jack's family are such amazing hosts. hurrah.
overheard: 'since Americans are twice as likely to believe in the Devil as in evolution,
I also think it's stupid of liberals to forfeit the religious field' -kristof
yesterday was characterised by one thing: work. tons and tons of work. which was satisfying,
until i reached the end only to figure out that i'd missed a heading and had almost the same amount of work to
do over again. argh! so that didn't help my mood much. thankfully, henry came to the rescue with a great
persian meal, two beers, and witty banter.
overheard: 'don't be stupid. he's welsh.' -lara
last night i went to the most AMAZING seminar. i won't bore you with all the details,
but it renewed my faith in social policy. and it reminded me of how much i miss JVs and JV-esque people,
who are very much lacking in my life in oxford. sad day. BUT the talk was still really great. and followed
by white wine and, later, vegetable stir fry with minimal carbs. mom would be proud.
overheard: 'sweet nut sampler!' -bucky katt
i'm in a rush today, so i can't even think of what i was going to write. had
tea with devi yesterday. she's lovely, as always. dinner with mike and olivia. second dinner
with jack. was very productive yesterday until my desire to take an afternoon nap kicked in.
then it was all downhill. still, i can't complain. i've decided amanda should go into
advertising. she'd be good at it.
overheard: 'i'm so excited. i love purchasing hair products' -i have no idea. no. really.
where to begin with yesterday? i finally talked to my parents. hurrah. they made
it back from dc safely. no leaves, though. again. i told them to send bo to college in vermont.
then they could see some leaves. bo doesn't like to be shuffled around at my whims, though. i know:
he's weird.
overheard: i got nothin today
i would like to point out, however, that i tried my hardest to update yesterday.
but my ftp server thwarted every effort. hopefully today we'll get along better. i'm very
glad to have the loseley indexing behind me. in celebration, i went and joined the union.
why? because i'm completely crazy. so now i'm more than a little broke: i'm a ton broke. but whatever.
amanda had an interview yesterday. i hope it went well.
7 years (already?) mmmm. lemon tree yesterday for lunch may well have been even better than on
wednesday night. so very good. roast beef was amazing. the poached pear was better than the burnt
cream, though. oh well. while i love the cookies, i think a call from my parents would be even
better (and less expensive!). hint. hint. hint. i finished the loseley index this morning. best
moment of term so far. besides the three amazing meals i've had in the last week. fate needs
to quit spoiling me.
overheard: 'the great thing about driving in montana is you can go as fast as you want. and there are monster trucks EVERYWHERE' -mandahouse
wait. pause. why is it already so late in october? why have i been doing the exact same
thing every day for two straight weeks now? can i do something new and exciting tomorrow? please?
well, yes, i can and will, but i'll need to do a lot of boring work today to make it happen.
overheard: 'where is there time for life amidst all that drive?' -anne-marie
sorry about the poor updating this week, but it must continue for another
day. AMAZING dinner at a little restaurant called kensington place last night. very good.
little bit of a funk today. clearing up soon, i hope.
overheard: 'you mind if i come in the back' -next table over at lemon tree.
no. not hungover today. just a horribly late update. i literally did work all
day. except when i was watching the debate. i think kerry did a lot more bush-whacking in
debate 2 than he did last night. but the polls seem to think kerry won this more clearly
than he did the town hall meeting last friday. i can live with that.
overheard: 'i fell in love with you at tesco' -jack
commence year two. with a huge smile. and i can't stand up. but that's fine. i won
consultancy yesterday. business is silly. what on earth do i want to do with my life? i can tell you
one things, anyway: it was a joy to run into sue
overheard: 'we've got a great country. i love our values' -W, debate 2.
compare the president's tendency to be violently inarticulate to tony blair's
vision for the future of the welfare state: 'i want to see social mobility...rising once again,
becoming a dominant feature of british life'. i'm constantly disappointed by america's learned ignorance
of class differences. then again, i'm often bothered by the watering down of standards in the
search for class mobility, as evidenced in this
article about the revived history admissions test being used at oxford from this
first day of school! i'll take a picture. well, it's monday of first week, which means a few things. most importantly, it means
i'm gonna actually start going to some lectures. i think. there's one on drama, history, and politics
during the reign of E1 at the history faculty today. we'll see if it's any good. it's COLD today.
i'm gonna wear a coat. after lunch in college, i think i'll head to duke humfrey's library to look
at boring old stuff. lgb drinks tonight at magdalen. show up.
overheard: 'you're only as strong as the tables you dance on, the drinks you mix, the beliefs you
fight for, and the friends you hold onto.' -marie
first, a message from the illustrious mandahouse: 'i have to make a correction to your
blog. the correct w quote was "there's rumors on the internets" so not only do we now have multiple internets,
we have also lost any sense of subject-verb agreement. i'm moving to canada if america Fs up again in
november....' thank you, little sister, for the accuracy watch.
overheard: 'i hate the old library; it's so far away!' -guy in peckwater quad, no more than 200 yards
from the old library
new google search news: i'm hit number 6 for non nude girls in sweatpants. i
KNOW! i flatter myself that my tea went well yesterday. only two new kids, but i got six returners. so
that was nice. i continue to slodge through the DNB entries that involve blackfriars, but before too
long, i'll return to the loseley mss. OH! speaking of which, i finally heard from my supervisor
again yesterday. i'm glad to hear that he's still alive. today, i actually have lunch at rhodes
overheard: 'stroke me.' -jack
big gay tea. gcr. 4.30 pm. today. be there. if you're a chch graduate student
and queer, i mean. i keep thinking of that quote from the ani difranco song 'grey': 'what kind
of paradise am i looking for? i've got everything i want, and still i want more.' i didn't sleep
very well last night, so now i'm somewhere in between sleepy, uncomfortable, and grumpy. i was, however,
amused by the following caption in the seattle p-i
photo section: 'A clay target breaks apart in Oshkosh, Wis., as Patrick Flanigan attempts to break
a world record for most hand-thrown clay targets individually shot with a semi-automatic shotgun
without any assistance.' right
overheard: 'the provinces are so hard to navigate' -some pretence
two big things to say today. the first, of course, is the electoral vote counter
numbers you see above. much better than any time since the rep.con. yay! the second is
a huge congratulations to seb and tash on their engagement: hurrah! it couldn't have
happened to two nicer people.
overheard: 'i like them legal. just not that legal' -nick
well, first morning back at la fitness. haven't worked out for 9 weeks. so i'm guessing that
tomorrow i'll be too sore to walk. so perhaps a hot shower is in the cards for me today. and...some work, perhaps?
yesterday was a hangover day, as you may have guessed by the lack of an update. apologies. i'm way
behind on just about everything i need to be doing.
overheard: 'you don't have to masturbate...or maybe you do' -my mom's advice on prostate health
my dad's on a fishing trip this week. hopefully the weather in idaho is better than
the weather here. miserable. i was going to run errands today, but i'm certainly not going out
in this. so i'll start tackling the seemingly endless mounds of work i have. stressy.
overheard: 'i'm your indian family' -jack
i think i may be a little bit homesick. just for things to work smoothly and efficiently.
or even just to know who's in charge (so i know whom i can complain to when things go awry). lots of
people seemed to get back to oxford yesterday. i went to dinner with jack and dave. it's always good
to see him. and i think mike gets back tomorrow. i met my flatmate, john, on friday. he's nice. quiet.
a 2nd year chemistry dphil student. i'm still a bit disappointed that my room smells of stale cigarette smoke,
but i'll get over it.
overheard: 'oh! my underwear!' -GEG
mini update: grumpy yesterday. england doesn't work. dinner was great. lunch at rhoho today.
overheard: '£35,000...it's a lot of money for a handbag. it's not a lot of money.' jack
ok, so two days of no updates. apologies. i don't even know what day it is right now.
or what meal i should be eating. or when i should go back to bed. but i'm cool with all that. my room is
nice. a bit awkwardly shaped. i'm not sure what to do with, say, the bed. or the desk. or myself. but it
will work out. last night jack and i had a celabratory dinner at chiang mai, which we followed
with a brief appearance at all bar one to greet the new rhodents. they seem pretty cool. free lunch tomorrow
with them. hurrah! yeah. free lunch. that's what i said. i also had a meeting which could, perhaps,
influence what i do with the rest of my life. maybe why that's i feel stressed today. or maybe it's the
tons of work i feel looming over my head. |
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