daily |
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today dec 2004 nov 2004 oct 2004 sep 2004 aug 2004 jul 2004 jun 2004 may 2004 apr 2004 mar 2004 feb 2004 jan 2004 dec 2003 nov 2003 oct 2003 sep 2003 jul 2002 jun 2002 may 2002 apr 2002 mar 2002 feb 2002 jan 2002 dec 2001 nov 2001 oct 2001 sep 2001 aug 2001 jul 2001 jun 2001 may 2001 apr 2001 mar 2001 feb 2001 jan 2001 dec 2000 nov 2000 oct 2000 sep 2000 aug 2000 |
overheard: '...exploring yourself and your body' -henry first things first: tomorrow is december. this i am not ready for. though i am
ready for another stipend check. sure am. really. give it to me now. second things second:
is a great photograph. made me laugh out loud. nuns. ice skating. hilarious. today, despite a
continued pain in the neck (don't worry, mom: i can still touch my chin to my chest), i plan
to go to the library. what i'll do once i get there is anyone's guess. take a nap? text people?
we'll see. i wrote two solid pages of my new chapter yesterday. that's about 10%. so i'm pleased.
overheard: 'is that your real nipple?' -dave ok. let's play a little game called why washington state is better than
arkansas. this game was spawned by news that microsoft is set to make a $32 billion
dividend payment to its shareholders. for the british among you reading this, $32 billion
is equal to about £18.37, given the plummeting value of the dollar. but anyway, bill gates
will get a little more than $3b, and he plans to pass all of it along to his foundation.
this got me to thinking about the walton family. you know, the people whose dad
invented walmart. yes. that walmart. i've never been in one. i hope never to be in one.
i hope that chasms open in the earth someday so that the stores can be reunited with
their founder in hell. only when their non-unioniz employees (that's all their employees, pa)
are away.
overheard: 'imagine him pooping on your face. isn' that weird?' -unkown, thank god
ok. the day may be young, and filled with adventures as yet unkown, but an early
leader in the "best thing about today" race is the email i just got from my friend meg, with whom
i have, sadly, had very little contact for a couple of years. she, you may remember, befriended
me while our freshman year roommates were cuddling in the next bed. she, meanwhile, was drunk
as a skunk (this was in my teetotalling days, you know) standing on my bed telling me about
dar williams. then we made a pact not to pull anyone for a month.
overheard: 'i'm metrosexual' -stu
of course you are, stu. of course you are. yesterday, you may have guessed, was a
hangover day, in true spokane thanksgiving style. not on account of drinking too much, but on account
of the horrendous wine they serve at JCR guest dinners. it was a good time, though. many funny things were said.
the beef wellington was much better than i would have hoped. only bad thing about
thanksgiving: why didn't my family call me? boo!
happy thanksgiving! ok. so it's not going to be a very relaxing holiday. i have a library to get
to, a coffee meeting at 10.30. a meeting at noon and a rhodes football game to whoop some
first-year scholar butt at 1.15. then it's back home for a very hot shower, maybe a little work
and getting ready for the jcr black tie dinner.
overheard: 'i'll show you my vagina if you show me yours' -jack
someone seems to have stolen november. i haven't seen one of my flatmates since halloween.
i hope he's still alive. i'm writing this from the british library because i'm
bored and waiting for a manuscript to arrive. they have wireless here, which would be super cool if they
didn't charge £5 per month for its use. oh well. the thing i love about the british library is
that one is bound to run into the most unlikely people here. like that time over spring break
when i ran into my georgetown italian professoressa because she was sitting right next to me reading some
17th century frnech text. today, i ran into juliet, my upstairs neighbor from last year. and i'd
go for lunch with her, but she's just plugging away at her work. and jack's on his way back from canary wharf.
so maybe not.
overheard: 'I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve
the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.'
-E B White, via Drew ok. i must apologize. reading over the bulk of november's daily updates, i decided
the grand majority of them are completely incoherent, which, unsurprisingly, mirrors my my
mental state this month. fortunately, i rediscovered my focus yesterday. it was at albi stadium.
ask amanda what else was there.
overheard: 'i came in his pigeon hole as part of freshers week' -GCR dinner well well well, look what the cat dragged in. the black tie dinner last night
was even more fun than usual. i'm glad that brian came up for it. jack left early (boo!) to head
to queer bop at wadham. i went with the others to the undie, where the worker bees broke the till.
having nothing resembling exact change, i tried to head home (and failed). in the end, i had a beer,
chatted with jack's flatmates, made fun of my own flatmates, and avoided getting drunk even a little.
though the wine i got from the buttery was very good (ps to joe: it was from alsace.)
overheard: 'now you guys have everything... cute voices, mugginess, hot nuts, huge ravens,
civil partnership... lucky bastards' -mandahouse
it's coooooold outside today. and i should have lots of interesting things to say, but
i'm feeling a bit under the weather. har har. chch black tie dinner tonight. i'm not going to queer bop,
though. too cold. stu's birthday last night: definitely some images i wish i'd never seen. brunch
was good today. gots to get to work.
overheard: 'it's like an STD' -GCR wine tasting
kinda hung over from the wine tasting last night. so i'm gonna get to it. my interview
was moved to february: boo. at least it's friday.
overheard: 'he looks like a middle-aged woman' -canary wharf
well, the good news is that i passed my mckinsey exam. the bad news is that i have an interview
sometime next week. which means i get something new to stress about this week. not really. it's cloudy today.
par for the course for an english november day, i suppose. i must admit i miss home a bit right now.
probably just because we're a week away from thanksgiving.
happy birthday, shannon! ok. short update. gotta get to that test thing. first time i've sat an exam in 753 days.
yes. i'm a nerd. i could really use a TCBY right now. white chocolate mousse. mmmm. marshmallows. holla.
overheard: 'those are my dad's nuts' -jack
yesterday: good, but unexciting. today: lots and lots of work. perhaps to london tomorrow? oh.
no. i have a numeracy exam for a job. eek. oh. speaking of eek, tonight the state-level rhodes interviews
begin with 50 cocktail parties designed to scare the crap out of otherwise over-confident young people. poor kids.
overheard: 'if you're going to go posh you should go all the way' -despina
wow. so much to remember from friday, since saturday's update really didn't do
justice to it. tea with sue meng (meng sue?) was lovely. it's always great to see her. i need
to track her down more often. but she lives off the abingdon road. which really isn't nearby.
so more teas at the rose will have to suffice. after tea with sue, i ran off to get suited
up for the new college guest dinner (put me in, coach!) with my spo-friend kathleen.
always nice to see a spokanite. especially one as charming as kathleen. and at dinner i
had the aforementioned 3 glasses of white wine, which were followed by the dangerous 3 glasses
of carlsberg. drunkest i've been in a long time. certainly since ptown, but probably since
that awful peck party last trinity term. reports from various sources on saturday confirm that i was hilarious
around sober people when i returned to liddell friday night. highlights include despina asking
me what my hobbies were. my answer? fit boys and butt sex. yeah. glad there weren't any adults
in the room. except seb. and he hardly counts.
overheard: 'i'm a domestic goddess' -the other andrew.
hung over today. 3 glasses of wine and 3 pints of carlsberg and i'm still drunk
when i wake up. what gives? oh. and i'm listening to oseh shalom right now: which, in hangover
mode, totally reminds me of trinity term last year. weird associations. ok. library. fatty fatty
brunch. london. party. sleep. back to oxon. jack got an interview with a bank for monday, so
everyone keep your fingers crossed!
overheard: 'i will show him some of my german efficiency' -some GCR guy at dinner
it was cloudy and warm when i woke up today. now sunny. i don't know about
the sun. i don't think we're friends. makes me squinty (i.e. gives me wrinkles) and makes
my head hurt if it sticks around for too long. in good news, my body has adjusted
to the 4 pm darkness thing. i actually made it to 11.30 last night before i absolutely had
to go to bed.
armistice day tom ford, ps, is totally lickable. and if i weren't spoken for, i would have been mighty
tempted. but that is moot. dinner last night: not so bad for food-in-a-pot. good to finally see mike again.
rumour has it that brian is coming to town today. i miss abby. it's been a long time since i made it
throught a night without a very strange and/or scary dream. two nights ago, it was buying a flat that
turned out to be haunted. last night brought two: one about someone trying to kidnap me. another about
a rollerskate race against my best friend brandon from comstock park to downtown spokane. but we were each
paired with a 4 year old. they slowed us down, but brandon beat me still.
trying to mourn less yesterday was good and productive. as i told JP, though, i'm trying to write the blackfriars
chapter by sneaking up on it. hopefully it won't realise it's being written until too much time has passed for
it to resist my charms. can't talk too much about that, though: a bit like mentioning your intention to sell
a car in front of that car. they're stubborn, you know? lunch yesterday was lovely. and dinner was very nice.
i got to meet the famous james
allison, which was nice. all academics are the same. and by the same, i mean gay. and speaking of gay,
i hope you've all seen that the house of commons overwhelmingly passed an "in all but name" gay marriage
bill yesterday. now let's hope it doesn't run aground in the lords again. stoopid unelected chamber.
overheard: 'it looks very...authentic' -saskia
i go home a month from today. how odd. the terms fly by, don't they? dinner last night
was good. jack came with me. after we watched sex and the city. yes. more. maybe a little too much. i feel
like when i used to be addicted to snood. becky will back me up
on this. after too much snood, you stand at a party and think, "hmmmm. over there i see two new college
students talking to a student from merton. if i could only slam a third new college student into the other
two, they'd fall down, and i might just get to the next level." like i said: snood is dangerous. but
i'm eternally grateful to megmoooooo for introducing me to it.
overheard: 'what did she think her vagina was for?' -jack
yeah, i'm still a slacker. i had quite a busy weekend, though. the bcg thing in london wasn't as boring as i fearded
it might be. they took us to two restaurants: for lunch, we went to avenue in st james. food
wasn't bad. not great, though. i started with ravioli that wasn't nearly hot enough, followed
by braised beef with red wine sauce and carmalized onions. a bit better. and mint tea and
sticky toffee pudding for desert, which was actually very good. after some heavy petting (by
which i mean recruiting), they released us to explore the royal academy, where there's a very
ecclectic exhibition on loan from the jacobsen collection in copenhagen's carlsberg glyptotek.
of particular note was william bendz's a
tobacco party. that's not a great scan of it, ps. i also enjoyed the degas room. i even
bought one of the greeting cards from the shop. which i rarely do. after another set of recruiting
talks (which, while always similar, were slightly less stressful coming from BCG than from certain
other consulting firms), we headed to dinner at circus bar, off of golden square in soho. i enjoyed
the food there better than avenue, though the service wasn't as good. i started with subtly-flavored
pumpkin soup, which was followed by a red thai curry with chicken and jasmine rice (not bad for being
a totally un-thai restaurant) and amaretto cheesecake as the sweet course. but it was too rich to
finish, and we were kinda in a rush. all in all, dinner ran from 8 pm until 11.30. which is quite
an achievement.
overheard: 'in a democracy, people get the government they deserve' -adlai stevenson
i got an email from my friend jeremy this morning, with an attached photo of
mrs heinz-kerry from after the concession speach. very very sad. i'm going to echo jeremy's
expression of passing through stages of grief:
i hereby declare official mourning post-election hangover yesterday. and i didn't even drink on election night. it's
all a bit too much to deal with right now. where is our country going? the guardian (you'll remember
them as the limey
assholes who started a letter campaign to ohioans asking them to vote for kerry:
a politically tactless move by any count) described the election as a victory for small-town morals.
so let's prepare ourselves for four more years of darkness, four more years of fear
and mistrust and violation of our civil liberties. let's prepare ourselves for four more years
of bigotry and bull-headed foreign policy.
election day/feast of all souls of the faithful departed everything i do today is for john kerry. i woke up and did my crunches for him. i'm about
to go take a shower for him. then i'll brush my teeth and shave for him. after that, i may do my laundry...for
john kerry. later i'll take a nap for john kerry and make some dinner for him. maybe then he'll have the
good sense to win the election.
overheard: 'it's too bad you don't like foreign food' -tash, finally shedding light on an awful
rumour circulating about me
scary things about today: it's monday of 4th week. it's november already. tomorrow is
the election. but at least the redskins
lost. and i'm gonna go do a lot of work today. so i must leave you without much more said. forgive me.
oh, but thank goodness that i'm finally getting to welfarize someone. which sounds dirty, but it's not.
it's tough being GCR LGB rep at ChCh, you know?!
links: email [a.ho] the note new york times washington post la times the guardian cnn slate fox news drudge talking points electablog campaign desk wonkette gawker gothamist sharp reader syndic8 feedster |