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today jan 2006 dec 2005 nov 2005 oct 2005 sep 2005 aug 2005 jul 2005 jun 2005 may 2005 apr 2005 mar 2005 feb 2005 jan 2005 dec 2004 nov 2004 oct 2004 sep 2004 aug 2004 jul 2004 jun 2004 may 2004 apr 2004 mar 2004 feb 2004 jan 2004 dec 2003 nov 2003 oct 2003 sep 2003 jvc break jul 2002 jun 2002 may 2002 apr 2002 mar 2002 feb 2002 jan 2002 dec 2001 nov 2001 oct 2001 sep 2001 aug 2001 jul 2001 jun 2001 may 2001 apr 2001 mar 2001 feb 2001 jan 2001 dec 2000 nov 2000 oct 2000 sep 2000 aug 2000 |
quoted: "make my hole bigger" -amanda so ok. i've written up a plan of attack for my thesis over the upcoming
six months. my only new year's resolution is to get it done well. we'll see how
that works out. oh. wait. i do have other resolutions: find a job and a six pack. and
enlightenment, if possible. and all those socks i lost in 2005.
quoted: "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin yes yes yes. i've been totally horrible about updating. it's so easy
to relax when i'm home. and since i spend most of my time downstairs while my
computer remains up in my room, it doesn't stare at me all day making me feel guilty. i'm
also using this spatial geography to explain the dismally small amount of work
i've done here.
MERRY CHRISTMAS! last night i was trying to pull one of my shoes off with my other shoe,
but slipped and kicked myself really hard in the shin with the heel of my shoe. it hurt
so bad i thought i was going to vom. other than that, though, i had a very nice christmas
eve. mass was good, the party at judy's offered me a chance to eat more of that
delicious pumpkin cake that they had at my godparents' house on the 23rd. anyway, post
party, we each got to open one gift...bobbo got me (by which i mean had made for me)
the coolest gift EVER: cufflinks with the expo
74 logo on them. i KNOW. i'm
so excited to wear them. hurrah!
quoted: "i don't do mushrooms" -christine i have tons of great things to say about yesterday. the 23rd should really be a national holiday. alas. but i had a great day. and now it's christmas eve and i have to get all sorts of places. sorry. more tomorrow. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
quoted: "we always used to sit in maucione's class and say 'oh my god i'm pregnant', like everyone else at prep." -manda not much to say since the last time i wrote. katie came over last night to watch the graduate. very strange movie. could benjamin have been any more awkward. perhaps. it's awfully rainy outside. we have a gaggle of family members coming over for dinner tonight. thus begins our family christmas celebrations. YAY!
quoted: "pretend this is cheese and squish it." -becky my siblings and i took our grandmother to lunch today. then my brother
and i took her up to the cemetary to visit our grandpa's grave. en route, we passed a
jiffy lube that had a sign reading (no kidding) "enter in rear". ha. haha.
quoted: "i really don't like shopping anymore. except at the liquor store." -allison d. zags won again last night. and i'm already coming up with songs for
next year's mac house power hour CD. hurrah. miss you guys tons. i just got a text
from jack. his family headed for zermatt
today. it's a town without cars, but it sounds like the trip has been an adventure. so
hopefully they'll arrive soon.
quoted: "do you want to get some noodles...or pie?" -santa clause 2 i'm just sitting around waiting for my jerky internet travel company
to call me back and watching the president's news conference. this may not come
as a surprise, but i don't trust him. i just don't. my favorite thing about
this question period is the president's absolute incompetence. oh. and his stressing
the fact that unwarranted wiretaps are only used on calls between someone
in the US and someone in another country. over and over again. clearly no
patriotic, red-blooded america would talk to someone in another country. another
high point was his mixing up the names of osama and saddam. classic. slimy
slimy administration. here's hoping for congressional hearings.
quoted: "did you know in the student section we have to stand for the whole game?" -christy last night after the GU-UVa basketball game, i went to dinner with my aunt marguerite, uncle mike, cindy and uncle steve. mustard seed = yummy. there was a family sitting at a table nearby. husband and wife and foor daughters. between ordering their meal and its arrival, all six of them were on their cell phones continuously. just think: they get to spend time with each other without ever speaking to one another.
quoted: "you don't know how many beer bongs i've done already." -es&h party katie and i went to that new bluefish restaurant for dinner last night.
very good. kinda expensive (for spokane, that is), but the service was impeccable,
the decor was cool, the food was delicious, and all in all it felt rather unlike
a spokane place. well done.
quoted: "now how does this work?" -jack's dad, in the tube station i'm still fighting with the travel agents. we're baking 48 loaves of bread today, and i'm getting a haircut. i miss jack. my parents are going to some ball tonight, so i have to entertain myself. who is in town? apparently the US government could be spying on me. how bored they must be. sounds like a political hot potato. as does the whole renewal of the patriot act thing. here's hoping the president's political capital is so diminished that the senate can actually protect the civil rights of people in america. and everyone, really.
quoted: "strange people; lovely manners." -mrs henderson (alias dame judi dench) on americans alright. late update today. apologies. i'm sure there are lots
of interesting things i'm supposed to remember to tell you all, but they're escaping
me right now, so you have to suffer through random things that pop into my head.
quoted: "two of the most exquisite afghans just crossed the road." -bus from oxon to LHR ok. that was still a very long trip. the bus journey from oxford to heathrow was
90 minutes. the flight from london to seattle was 10 hours, and the flight from seattle to spokane
was 45 minutes. the drive from GEG home would have taken, you know, 10 minutes, except we decided
to go to the elk for dinner. mmmmm. santa fe chicken sandwich and american beer. mmmm.
quoted: "i trust beards" -jack sorry for the lack of updates over the weekend. after the AMAZING dinner
friday evening, i spent the night in london. saturday included very very good duck at the
four seasons chinese restaurant on queensway. mmmm. saturday night included a little
get-together at kazbar and then coming back to my flat and staying up til 3 talking and
drinking large volumes of wine. a can't think of a better way to have spent my 25th
birthday. thanks to everyone who came to lunch and drinks. a big thanks to jack's parents
for the fabulous meal friday and to pete for the fab tie...and to christine for the panda
card. and to everyone who sent me cards/emails/texts. i appreciate it!
quoted: "that's it. these pants are coming off" -jack, in green park brandon says it can be scary to click on the links i put in my post. ok.
not scary. adventurous. i'm at a loss for interesting things to say (or link to) today,
though, so y'all are safe. for now.
quoted: "i have been in oxford for four years; of course i know what BDSM is." -sush i'm heading to london here pretty quick. i'm also heading to london tomorrow
and saturday. i really do wish jack would get his flat furnished so i could have a place
to crash when i'm in town. it's exhausting to make the journey over and over again.
quoted: "my thighs really aren't that fat" -fit guy i totally forgot that yesterday was st nicholas's feast day. actually,
i forget every year. there are so many other things that happen in december (like
st lucy's feast day, for example) crowding in my mind. in any case, no
one put candy in my shoes. very disappointing. but ketan did bring me very alcoholic
chocolate liqueurs when we met at the vaults (mmm) for lunch yesterday. thanks!
quoted: "the english love american cock" -endangered species and hoes party
i really didn't make that quote up, but i'm glad to say that its
speaker was someone i'd never seen before in my entire life, so that should comfort
us all.
quoted: "thanks for the butt massage" -iffley road i'm late for a date with a nap, so just some quick shots off here:
after a grueling year for the white house, there's speculation that president bush's
of staff may resign in january. and there's an interesting article in today's
LA Times about a potential turn in the tide of conservative
dominanation of the national political landscape, though i must say i'm
always skeptical of tea-leaf-reading articles, and this is definitely one of those.
quoted: "when things go poorly, he starts kissing that guy's crotch" -the hazards
of beer bong yesterday was lovely but exhausting. when i left oxford rain was pouring
down. it got brighter as the coach got closer to london, though, and jack
and i then proceeded to canary wharf to see his wonderful new flat and eat WAAAAY
too much dim sum. we then rolled ourselves toward south ken, for christine's ice-skating
birthday party (facebook folks can see pics of that here). there were
about 20 of us, all a bit rusty on our skates, but it was definitely a good time. i
certainly can't think of any other respectable activity which involves touching so
many strangers. but i managed not to run over anyone, or fall down myself, so i'll
count the experience as a success. that, of course, was followed by a little tiny
bit of christmas shopping at selfridges, which is offering a 20% "friends and
family" discount this weekend. very useful.
quoted: "speaking of my allergies... did you know that a shark penis is called a
clasper? true story." -manda, of course
i honestly have one food out the door to london, so i can only say
this...i always knew rob
was gay. and satchel is eating an ice cream cone. he's almost as cute as the stick.
quoted: "he's going to want me bad. especially when i puke all over him" -matt
congrats to maria on being older than i am. for 8 days at least. and congrats
to jack, who is completing (aka closing) on his flat today (hurrah!).
quoted: "he looks like he's lost a whole person's worth of weight" -meg ok, the fact that it's not thursday of 8th week makes me really
uncomfortable. REALLY uncomfortable. but i'll get over it, i suppose. today
is world AIDS day. wear a ribbon or not, as you like, but try to keep in mind
that there are 40 million people around the wolrd living with HIV, that 4 million
new infections occurred last year, that 25 million people have died of AIDS since
1981, and that there's still no cure and no vaccine.
links: email [a.ho] tom - sea ccc - chch rob - gtown brian - gtown drew - gtown brandon - gtown mr jeff&chris - sea joe - spo the note new york times washington post la times the guardian cnn slate fox news drudge talking points electablog campaign desk wonkette gawker gothamist sharp reader syndic8 feedster |