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quoted: "there is no segue between cupcake and penis" -mother
clearly being at home made me no more conscientious about my daily updates. i'm hearing
from several quarters that the quality of my posts has deteriorated since i got this
pesky "job" thing. which i suppose is understandable, but still a bit disappointing.
i'm going to redouble my efforts to do it every work day starting on tuesday. i won't
call it a new year resolution, though, because it's not.
quoted: "my brain said, 'hot thing: blow'" -jeremy.
so i've been having trouble getting my sofa delivered. last week the delivery failed
spectacularly after i'd taken an afternoon off from work. we're giving it another go
tomorrow around midday. we'll see how this works out. i'm on hold with the delivery
people right now. sigh.
quoted: "let me put it this way: if you were straight, would you f--- me?" -border's last night in shepard's bush.
yeah. the daily update thing doesn't seem to have been happening lately. work has been mad,
but mostly in that hamster-running-on-a-wheel sort of way. i've got a HUGE backlog of quotes,
though, which i'll share with all of you reprobates as the days and weeks progress.
quoted: "we've all got to be sluts sometime" -ofice christmas party
last night was our office christmas party. it was at a place called gilgamesh in camden.
it was a bit over the top. the carved reliefs on the walls were pretty intense, and i
think it had the biggest bathroom i've EVER been in. the food was good. the drink was plentiful.
and there wasn't a christmas decoration in sight. also, the music was horrendous. never
put engineers in charge of the ipod.
quoted: "and that will probably entail a helicopter" -sw1
right. yes. i've neglected to update for a bit, and today is a half-hearted effort.
i'll try to do better tomorrow. unless i'm ill, which would be very unfortunate.
links: email [a.ho] housea ... gmail.com bobbo brandon tom - sea ccc - chch slag patrol - ab brian - gtown drew - gtown brandon - gtown steve - gtown dave - chch mr jeff&chris - sea jon - spo joe - spo new york times washington post la times the guardian cnn the note slate fox news drudge talking points electablog campaign desk wonkette gawker gothamist sharp reader syndic8 feedster |