quoted: "you go to the gym. i'll eat 3 medium pizzas" -mandahouse
it seemed like a pretty good deal at the time, but then halfway through my
workout i was so hungry i wanted to die. but i didn't. and now i can go to lunch with
fr ribeiro et al. and not feel at all guilty about it.
it's official. i'm becoming an old man. today at the gym i reprimanded two 7-year-olds for
trying to wrench their arms up into a candy machine. "that's stealing" i told them. god
i'm getting old. on the plus side, my favourite shrubs outside the pool have started to
smell like brown sugar again. it really does make the walk to and from the gym much more
ok. for reals there prolly won't be an update tomorrow because i'll be sleeping off may morning.
quoted: "we're going to have a boy moment" -two guys, leaving the kitchen at katie's birthday
the time capsule party was great fun. many thanks to the hosts. my outfit went over
well, particularly with americans, but polyester and i just don't work together. natural fibers,
darling. i think katie was also disappointed that i didn't recognize the final four video
montage song. i really only care about gonzaga basketball, though, and they haven't made
it there yet. ybarra will be mad at me. i heart georgetown basketball, too, just not as much
as my zags.
i buzzed all my hair off yesterday. while real drunk last night, i realized that people without
hair need to use slightly different facial expressions than people with hair. the eyes
are much more important to communicating meaning, i've decided, when hair isn't involved.
perhaps that doesn't make sense, but it's true!
i'm going to tea with christine at the old parsonage this afternoon. that should be
very nice, and then hopefully an early evening and a DVD with jack. or just more work
maybe. it is possible that there will be no update tomorrow. i apologise in advance.
quoted: "twenty-three hours to go" -woman walking in sloane square
the interviews yesterday went really well. the california people
seemed to like me, as did my potential future boss. but i spent way too much
money on food yeterday. especially on a not-worth-£8 quiche at peter jones. oh well.
has anyone else noticed how much more joyous an experience cooking is when one
has good knives? i mean really good knives. so much better. i'm just saying.
but don't forget: it's bad luck to give a knife as a gift.
i had too many carbs for breakfast, which means that in about an hour, i'll REALLY
want a nap. and you know what? i'm gonna take one. because if i get a job, i won't
be able to indulge indulge indulge.
quoted: "you're dating your dad and i'm dating my mom" -jack
why are straight boys nice to girls who are mean to them? at dinner
last night, i was subjected to the most obnoxiously condescending woman. she totally
interfered with the joy that always come's from talking to tristan's friend shell. and
yet jeffrey seems enamoured. what is that? in an attempt to figure it out, i watched
mean girls on DVD before going to bed. still havent' figured it out, though.
today is the day of reckoning. don't forget that cajetan is patron saint of job seekers.
don't ask me how to pronounce his name, though.
has anyone downloaded the new google toolbar for firefox? how cool is that feature where
it tries to predict your query? i'm very impressed.
trashy pop culture, meet
the the grey
lady. be warned, though: she has a way of making little, cutting comments.
like a slightly more subtle version of lucille bluth. i'm just afraid they'll go right
over the self-obsessed heads of the children on my super sweet 16.
8 years ago today was my last day on search. how can that have been
8 years ago. i must be getting old. old old old.
jane jacobs died
yesterday. i need hardly mention how great i think she is, or how sad
i am that i never got to meet her. brilliant. she was absolutely brilliant. if people
had actually listened to her in 1961, american cities would be much better places
i keep forgetting to mention how great trinity term is. already, dusk doesn't arrive
until well after 8 pm, and there's still a hint of light at 9. and there are still 8 weeks
until the summer solstice. hurrah!
i went to drinks in oriel college last night. it was great to see james and marty (and
chris, gulliver and amy), and to hear about marty's bike trip around the iberian peninsula. made
me want to bike down the west coast from seattle to san francisco this summer. or something.
i got my battels yesterday. the biggest shock (other than the £100 i owe my college for electricity
for the 9 weeks i lived here last term) was that i spent more money on guest dinners than
on my own dinners. well done me!
free cone day! get your butt to ben & jerry's! quoted: "experience the authentic flavour of kurdistan" -restaurant sign on the cowley road
i was glad to see that sign, because nothing has been getting my goat lately
so much as the proliferation of cheap knock-offs of kurdistani cuisine.
i missed so many things while i was away: earth day, the feast of st george (the megalomartyr!).
yesterday was the 8th anniversary of my last day at gonzaga prep. the years have flown, thank god!
but today is red hat society day. just
so you know.
i had a GREAT interview yesterday. very very good. i may even get the job. how great would that be?
and it's for an undisclosed company that i would be thrilled to work for. one final set of
interviews on thursday afternoon. keep your fingers crossed for me.
other weekend stuff: congrats to seb for his VERY impressive performance in the london
marathon sunday. and thanks to jack's family for forcing me to join them for a 6-hour-long lunch
that afternoon. thanks also to ed for hosting the uniform party saturday night in his very
very dickensian house in southwark.
i just found this wonderful
article on the rarity of washer-dryers in manhattan. poor deprived souls. that's truly barbaric.
all sorts of other interesting things are happening, too, but i haven't done any work in days.
so i'm going to get to it.
quoted: "these rolls are like crack" -aunt marguerite
we love our carbs in my family; that's about all i can say about that. my
biggest problem with flying long distances isn't so much the jet lag (although i did manage
to sleep until 9.30 today, which is later than i slept the entire month i was in the US) as
it is that i lose an entire day of my life. so wednesday totally disappeared into a series
of airports and airplanes. 19 hours door-to-door this time. which really isn't that bad
considering that it was always 8 or 9 hours door-to-door to get to georgetown.
on the second leg of my flight i sat next to a very interesting woman from the (american)
foreign service, who said she often gets free upgrades to first class because people
think she's useful near the cockpit if anything goes wrong. which made me wonder whether
they sat her next to me because they thought i was a security risk. if they did, though,
i proved them wrong by falling asleep before takeoff, sleeping through dinner and two rounds
of drink carts, and waking up in time to watch nanny mcphee (AWFUL!), eat breakfast,
and land. so not a bad flight. i'm still a bit confused, though.
the job interview got moved to monday at 11.30. so everyone cross your fingers for me then.
i'm headed to london now for to hang out with jack until said interview. update again
tuesday. later, skaters.
ps - there's a new flatmate, who seems to have appropriated all of my cupboard space,
eaten most of my food, and left the kitchen a bloody mess. i was so happy when it
was just me and ileana. sad day.
quoted: "history is like an amusement park, only instead of rides there are dates to memorize"
-marge simpson
today is my last day in spokane. flying out early tomorrow, through chicago, and
getting into london WAY early on thursday. so depending on how i sleep on the plane, i might
update on thursday. if i sleep poorly, though, i might not update until next monday.
so the vice-president was in town yesterday, as i mentioned. that's fine. he's kinda a jerk, but
so are a lot of people. i can deal with that. what i can't deal with is the fact that my
taxes go to pay for his ridiculous protection level when he's out campaigning. it seems
to me that it should be up to the candidate (aka his donors). or, god forbid, the party.
if he/they want VPOTUS to come help raise money, they should be willing to foot
the bill for flying in his armoured cars, his secret service detail, and the local police
overtime necessary to protect him. or even just the marginal cost over that of the vice president's
keeping put in DC. that's not unreasonable, is it?
yesterday i created a paradigm against which assess the claims of independence made by residents
of the areas i study. that probably doesn't make any sense. basicly, i study precincts that
had specific rights exempting them from the authority of nearby jurisdictions. for the past
three or four centuries, antiquarians/scholars/historians have treated them as centres of
anarchy. in reality, there was a very specific set of criteria which determined whether
residents would assert their privilieges. exactly.
ok. i'm hungry. breakfast. catch you on the flip side.
quoted: "she thinks she knows me, so we're kissing friends already" -grandma k.
the vice president is in spokane today raising money for mike mcgavick, the
least inspiring senate candidate ever. here's hoping he remains uninspiring for the next
six and a half months.
that was really, really a great easter. brunch at the country club was much better
than i had expected. who knew that lobster tacquitos could be so delicious? then weez
and i used too much butter to make crescent rolls, but they ended up the better for it.
i bought mean girls on dvd (hurrah!) and then we went to dinner at my godparents'
house, where we had the smallest family party ever: just 10 of us, and no one younger than
amanda's 23 years.
but a mere ten made it possible to involve everyone in conversations, and i'll miss
them when i head back to england. but there are other things on my mind: job job job.
edit edit edit. and uncle steve has agreed to read my thesis when i have a full
draft done. let's hope that's by the end of may.
happy Easter! Happy 1st anniversary to Brandon and Laura! quoted: "my butt is too sore for that" -allison d.
happy easter, everyone! i had a dream last night that all my friends from home
and several of my cousins decided to come do grad school at oxford after i graduated. at
first, i was bummed, but then i remembered that oxford and london really aren't that far apart.
maybe it was motivation to get a job?
what other news...i'm heading back to the UK early early wednesday. so if anyone in spokane
wants to hang out, your time is running low. today we're doing brunch at the country club and
dinner at uncle mike and aunt marguerite's house. we didn't get to go out for fancy cocktails
last night because mass was secretly at 8, and my mom had to go to work at 4 today so that she
could leave early for brunch.
i've been watching way too many shows on the TLC. last night i totally had an inappropriate
dream that had WAY too many elements from trading spaces. but that's nowhere near as funny
as the effects of my mother's over-sudoku-ing. amanda called friday night after going
out with allison d and grant to say that she'd be staying
at allison's. my mother's response: "where are you supposed to go?" hurrah for being woken
up and being totally incoherent.
quoted: "most of the great "No"s in life come from mothers and wives" -history channel
you heard it here first: rumsfeld gets robust defense
from president. of course, 32 weeks ago, we were reading about how the president thought
FEMA chief brown was doing "a
heck of a job" in new orleans. just in case anyone was keeping track.
in other news, my whole family seems to be missing today. which means i'm going to eat
all of the macaroni and cheese in the house. and then continue editing the minories chapter.
quoted: "i don't eat japanese food, and if i did it would be panda express" -america's next top model
just one quick observation today: why is it that so many people who are drawn
to a minimalist aesthetic seem to have trouble carrying it through to their personal effects.
i thought this on sunday at seatac, as i saw a meticulously dressed woman getting two huge wheeled
bags and one GINORMOUS purse out of the overhead bin on arrival. since then, i've noticed
a lot of overstuffed backbacks, purses, and briefcases. nothing in JVC was chic enough to be
properly minimalist, but we did try to achieve what we called simplicity. no one ever said
explicitly that it was about not overpacking, but it seems in the spirit nonetheless.
i'm off to cataldo for the good friday service. and then trying to edit as much of my
minories chapter as possible. later, gator.
oh. it's also the anniversary of abraham lincoln's assassination.
quoted: "bo keeps asking emily if he left his beer in her vagina" -becky's party
so you may have guessed that my "i'm not updating tomorrow" was actually
just a ruse designed to trick my sister becky into not suspecting that amanda and i were
flying to denver to throw her a surprise 21st birthday party. or not. the party was
GREAT. beck was totally surprised. we put all her friends out in the front room, so she
was surprised to be having a party, but then amanda and i hid in the kitchen, so when she
came back to see her cake, we surprised her. and made her cry. and do a shot (a dirty
camel) and chug a mixed drink (a mind eraser). we bought about 150 beers for the party
in addition to drinks, and many of the 35 or so guests brought their own drinks. it was
definitely the drunkest i've been in a long time. maybe since october?
the best part of the trip to denver was saturday, when becky called in sick to work and
the four of us siblings went downtown to lay in the sun. it was in the mid 60s, if a little
windy, but relaxing on a sunny hillside in downtown denver was still a great way to spend
a surprisingly hangover-free saturday afternoon. and i'm really glad i got to see all my siblings
at once on this trip to the US. i miss them when i'm in england.
sunday amanda and i flew to seattle so i could see her new digs there, and hang out watching her
tap away at her computer during conference calls for her fancy-pants job. i won't badmouth
the fancy-pants-ness of the job, though, since her boss bought me an obscenely good and
frighteningly expensive dinner on tuesday night at the
oceanaire. the tuna was amazing. AMAZING. thanks!
in other news, i'm leaving early next wednesday for one more term at oxford. that means
i'm gonna have to find a new server for this little website. further details soon, i hope.
in the meanwhile, i'll be updating daily until tuesday. sorry about the gap.
quoted: "well, i'll just take the small hat. i mean, if we were driving to the
maldives, i'd take my big hat" -mrs mcgee
well well well. i did a little bit o' shopping yesterday. got two shirts. one
marked down from $70 to $40 and the other marked down from $60 to $7. not too bad. i keep
having brilliant observations in the afternoons, but forgetting them by morning. maybe
i'll start taking notes.
perhaps no update tomorrow. i'm home alone and i don't like it one bit. jack called me from
qatar last night. that was fun. did you know that qatar is only 2 hours ahead of london (during
BST...3 hours the rest of the year). still, it hardly seems fair.
quoted: "i don't iron my jeans; my maid does" -jack, but in jest
speaking of which, safe travels to jack and his family, who are leaving
for their easter holiday. and safe travels to my parents, who have just left for my dad's
25th dental school anniversary in portland. i'm totally jealous that i'm not going with
them. i haven't been to pdx since my JV year ended in august 2003. that's scary.
it's been almost 4 years since i met all my mac housemates. oh how lucky i am to have
such wonderful friends.
other news: still no word from the washington state supreme court on gay marriage.
they heard oral arguments on the case 13 months ago, now. new decisions are released
every thursday. you know i wait by my email inbox thursdays to see if the decision
has been announced. but nothing.
today, with the house all to myself, i'll go about my divinely-ordained project
of eating all the leftovers here. we went out for steak last night. i had a
peppercorn-encrusted ribeye. medium rare. simple flavours, and delicious. later
today, i'm picking up my 93-year-old gramma and her septuagenarian friends and
taking them to the country club for lunch. my gramma, btw, is the coolest person
ever. after getting her masters degree during the great depression, she decided
she wanted to live on her own, so she moved from seattle to LA to become
a librarian. she has great stories.
apparently bird flu has reached the UK. and everyone in spokane is talking about
west nile again. i'm still mostly afraid of being run over by a bus.
quoted: "why am i sticky and naked? did i miss something fun?" -futurama
i won't lie. i've been a fan of abc news's the note for quite a while,
despite their arrogance and their self-aggrandizing cryptic predictions. but they seem
increasingly useless, missing out on the timing on the departures of both andy card
and tom delay. sorry, note, but you're dropping way down the links list. thanks for nothin.
i just watched a piece on the today show about expensive garage makeovers. the woman
they were interviewing, trying to be clever, pointed out garages are the new big
place to keep up with the joneses. which, you know, is exactly what the article in
the new york times said about garage makeovers two months ago.
i got tons of work done yesterday. even with my salmonella sliver situation. alliteration.
today, maybe even more. but first: breakfast.
so becky and bobbo's godchild--the cutest baby in the entire world--is
two now, i think. and he has a lot more words than he had at christmas. he didn't actually
say diet coke, though. he said "dad, it's hot!" but he can't really be bothered to
say final consonants. michelle and phil's 8-month-old son carter was absolutely adorable as well,
chewing on a mini football and pushing around a fire truck.
meanwhile, the megaflood show on the discovery channel last night was supercool. it showed
what would happen in london if a huge storm surge coincided with a spring tide and torrential
rainfall. in essence: the surge would overtop the thames barrier and, you know, make
london look a lot like new orleans last september. my mom and becky have agreed that
i should leave london whenever it rains.
work work working today. and maybe digging this sliver out of my thumb. ouch. i don't
want to do it, but it hurts.
quoted: "don't worry, something will go wrong soon" -mass last night
i am so grumpy at the organizers of this year's boat race. coverage
changed from BBC to ITV last year, you may remember. lame, but not catastrophic.
well, apparently it was. BBC used to webcast a (poor quality) live video feed of
the race. not so much ITV. and they didn't even find an american television
sponsor. this despite 4 of the 16 blues rowers being american AND lord knows
what proportion of oxbridge graduates living here. theoretically, there was a
radio webcast, but i tried that on 3 different
computers to no avail. so along with my hearty congratulations to my next door
neighbor jamie and the rest of the oxford crew on their victory over cambridge,
i must also send a huge BOO to the organizers. get your act together!
in other news, allison D and i popped about a million of her tires yesterday
on our bike ride of the bloomsday course. and yet we survived. i'm hongry.
quoted: "i had nothing to do with it" -gramma, in response to being congratulated on
being a great grandmother once more over.
which reminds me: i forgot to congratulate my cousin(-in-law) karen for
having her second baby, andrew, on thursday. hurrah!
craziest. funeral. ever. definitely a celebration of coco's life. so many children and dogs.
so much food and conversation. when i die, that's what i want my funeral to be like.
but boy was yesterday exhausting. i slept all the way to 8 am. well, 7.45. and i did wake
up at 6.50, but i forced myself to go back to sleep. now i'm going to go on a bike ride with
allison d.
i was watching the travel channel yesterday. they showed this "botanic garden" in las
vegas. it pretty much epitomized everything i find stomach-turning about that town.
yes, it's better-funded than oxford's botanic garden (and probably better funded
than the royal botanical gardens at kew), and yes they swap out all the flowers every
two weeks. but it's not a botanic garden at all, really, it's just an überexpensive
floral display. and it's looks so tasteless. artifical materials everywhere. but, really,
i'm biased. my weekly visits to oxford's botanic garden have spoilt me.