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quoted: "it's all those truckers sticking their penises in my ear" -boris
yeah. whoops. fell off the wagon again. i'm not in the best of moods today. as a matter
of fact, i'm feeling quite udner whatever it is one feels under. i'm not sick, just in
a funk, i guess. sigh.
quoted: "spacer days? i hardly ever drink during the day!" -sw1
i got soaked to the bone on my way to work today. it was charming. the heavens
opened upon me, and i was wet. wet to the point where running or catching a taxi
didn't make any sense. then at work they said we might lose power because of all
the rain (in a building they finished in 2005. in london). but that never happened,
so i'm still at work instead of taking a nap and watching BBC's pride and prejudice
on DVD. sigh indeed.
quoted: "inflatable dog? that's fine. i'm not picky. get a real dog and nail him to the floor if you want" -sw1
right. this weekend. slept til 11 on saturday. slept til 9 on sunday. friday evening poppy,
brennan and i had dinner at the stockpot, then some ice cream, then wandering around
the hood trying to find a place to go dancing. as it turned out, we were all feeling too
low-key for dancing, so we just went back to mine and drank some bubbly. par for the course.
yannis stopped by briefly, which was nice, but otherwise it was an early night--in bed by 12.30.
quoted: "sometimes i really miss the threesomes" -matt
this week got out of hand before i could say "wednesday". now it's almost over,
but i wanted to send y'all to this piece from wonkette about DC's
newseum (hint: it's 'a clever combination of “news” and “mausoleum.”'). it
made me laugh almost as much as this video of a narcoleptic dog.
quoted: "it's a toothpick you retard." -keats
today, fortune magazine named google the best place in america to work. you can see the
announcement from yesterday's today show here.
quoted: "necrophilia: whatever" -poppy
went on the leicester square death ride last night with ollie. it was AMAZING. not sure
it was worth £5, but it was pretty darn cool. and then i had a good workout and some
reading. and some half-skyping.
quoted: "someone told me heroin gives you good skin" -balham
quick update today because i'm about to leave work. pre-six, maybe. if i'm lucky. i just
have one thing to say today: i hate new years resolutions. they make the gym WAY too crowded.
surely you don't all need to be there getting in my way. not that i'm any great shakes at
the gym. all i can claim to be is consistent. in most things, really. sigh.
quoted: "i haven't been drunk since my flight home" -brennan
mess with the bull get the horns, as they say. the main problem with getting drunk
on one's flight home is that you smell drunk when your parents pick you up. much better
to get drunk on the flight back to face home, where no one notices what you smell like,
because they're all drunker than you anyway.
quoted: "it must be a robe!" -grandmother, opening a christmas gift
in her defense, it was a giant crimson chenille robe, so it looked a bit like a blanket.
links: email [a.ho] housea ... gmail.com bobbo brandon tom - sea ccc - chch slag patrol - ab brian - gtown drew - gtown brandon - gtown steve - gtown dave - chch mr jeff&chris - sea jon - spo joe - spo new york times washington post la times the guardian cnn the note slate fox news drudge talking points electablog campaign desk wonkette gawker gothamist sharp reader syndic8 feedster |