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why are some of my papers posted online?

i have always found it a bit silly that students at whatever level spend the bulk of their time producing written work that is only seen by a single instructor. i believe that students can learn from the academic work that other students have done. in addition to helping identify potential fields of interest and sources of information, reviewing the work of peers opens the door to a realistic level of critical reading, which in turn helps students develop a healthy scepticism of the sanctity of the written word. some of the papers i have posted are good. some of them aren't. please do not plagiarize my work. i have spent a lot of time on these papers, please respect my efforts. also, it's easier than one might think to identify sudden changes in writing style. plus, a quick google search will bust you. i have included works cited/consulted lists where appicable. comments on, criticism of, and questions about my work are more than welcome. you can email me at