"He is already part of you. Though you fly to Greece, and never see him again, or forget his very name, George
will work in your thoughts till you die. It isn't possible to love and to part. You will wish that it was. You can
transmute love, ignore it, muddle it, but you can never pull it out of you. I know by experience that the poets are
right: love is eternal."
on travelling abroad
"That there are shops abroad, even in Athens, never occurred to them, for they regarded travel as a
species of warfare, only to be undertaken by those who have been fully armed at the Haymarket stores."
on the aged
"Whether Miss Bartlett detected the slip one cannot say, for it is impossible to penetrate the minds
of elderly people."
on the clergy
"He is nice," exclaimed Lucy. "Just what I remember. He seems to see good in every one. No one would
take him for a clergyman."
on the suburbs
"A radical out and out, she learnt to speak with horror of Suburbia. Life, so far as she troubled
to conceive it, was a circle of rich, pleasant people, with identical interests and identical foes. In this
circle, one thought, married, and died. Outside it were poverty and vulgarity for ever trying to enter, just
as the London fog tried to enter the pine-woods pouring through the caps in the northern hills."